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Techniques for balance
- For perceived slights, take action or forget it. Otherwise, you’re a perpetual victim, whether the slight was real or not.
- Whenever you find yourself bemoaning, “What I should have said was….” ask yourself why you didn’t say it, and deal with the cause, not the effect.
- Go with the flow to avoid stress. You’ll never keep the squirrels off the bird feeders, so consider them squirrel feeders as well as bird feeders and get on with your life. Your boss isn’t going to give you more recognition, so please yourself and stop worrying about the boss’s approval. (He—or she—is a squirrel.)
- Get there early. More stress (and accidents) are caused by people rushing because they’re late for something than almost any other cause I know. Bring something to read, your iPad, or crayon, but arrive early and relax.
- Reduce the judgmental aspect of your life. (We all do this, don’t deny it.) You can find something to criticize about anyone, but what’s the point? They’re not as perfect as you. Who is?
- Ask for an estimate. Never leave yourself in the dark early on. How much will this cost? How much time will it take? What are the likely risks? Who else must be involved? Allow yourself some ranges to work within when making decisions.
- Plant a few things. Some will die (not your fault, as a rule) but most will grow. It needn’t be a rare orchid. A simple flower, a sapling, a tomato plant—whatever. Each day you watch it improve, it improves you.
- Keep your car clean. I find that people who maintain their cars also maintain their lives. The discipline is infectious. I’m unaware of people who take pains to clean their rental cars. They clean what’s theirs. They take pride in their lives.
- Memorize six quotes or insights that have great impact. (Example: Kant’s Categorical Imperative: “What if everyone did that?”) Use one at just the right juncture with others to boost your influence and persuasion.
- Here’s a technique I’ve never mastered as well as others: Learn and retain not merely someone’s name, but their spouse or significant other’s name, and ask about them by name in the future. I find it very impressive and I’m trying to get better at it.
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Any touchdowns you score before or after the game don’t count.
A great many people are superb at performing when the pressure is off. We can answer all the Jeopardy questions (in the form of a question), remember the lyrics, hit the ball smartly, counter an argument, sell our services, and be the life of the party. But when the music starts, for many of us, we’re suddenly no longer in tune.
Pressure—whether real or perceived, and if it’s perceived it’s real—tends to act like guilt or depression in that it masks our talents, constricts our voice, and undermines our presence. We don’t function well, or even normally, but rather are trying to race with a 50-pound load on our backs.
I’ve watched people perform and fail to perform under pressure for a long time. Here’s the comment of Bill Russell, the extraordinary Boston Celtic center who was pivotal in winning so many basketball championship games:
“Heart in champions has to do with the depth of your motivation, and how well your mind and body react to pressure. It’s concentration that is being able to do what you do best under maximum pain and stress.” (From his book, Second Wind.)
Most pressure is self-imposed. There are ego concerns, overwrought feelings of responsibility, the crazed notion that we’re supposed to be perfect (as opposed to merely successful), the perceived limited window of opportunity before us. On a regular basis, pressure like this is a killer, because it generates great stress, one of the fundamental causes of illness, major and minor.
Why do we do this to ourselves? I think it’s because we sometimes feel that we can’t be successful enough. The sales results were outstanding, but not as strong as three years ago. You won six in a row, but that’s not near the record of nine. You created five new products, but not one is selling at the rate we had hoped.
We have two choices: We can remove the pain and stress that Russell talks about and which we impose on ourselves. Or, we can get used to the fact that they will be there waiting for us in a competitive world, and we might as well get good at competing under all conditions.
In any case, we have to be comfortable with who we are—win, lose, or draw. Otherwise, there’s no way you’ll ever win enough.
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The human condition: Savoir Faire
Savoir faire means, literally, to “know how,” from the French. However, its connotation goes far beyond that insufficient English translation. The phrase really refers today to poise and comfort in social and business situations.
Do you know the proper way to eat an artichoke at a dinner table, or when and how much to tip the concierge, or when to use “imply” versus “infer,” or what colors look best on you? Some people have an admirable sense of demeanor and inclusion in the environment in which they find themselves. This was once restricted to the aristocracy, who had a complex system of formal recognition (“your grace,” “your eminence,” “your highness,” “your majesty”), then became a more common attribute of the middle class, then seemed to become lost in our increasingly casual society. (I was shocked to see the President recently addressing well-dressed Brazilian political, business, and social elite in an open-collared shirt.)
However, the development of savoir faire through education, observation, travel, and acculturation is an important trait in success. I’ve seen too many people struggle with the wrong silverware at business meetings, use the wrong words during presentations, wear the wrong attire to events, and use inappropriate behaviors in their interactions. These are setbacks, sometimes crippling, which are avoidable.
It’s one thing to scream and spill beer at a hockey game, but it’s another to shout out inappropriate humor at a business meeting with your boss present. It doesn’t sound difficult to expect that people know how to conduct themselves, but it’s apparently not a very universal phenomenon.
We’re in a time of massive shouting to be heard: the “amplification” of social media platforms, the screaming of talk show hosts, the invective of political commentators, and the cacophony of entertainment which believes that volume trumps content. (I love La Bohème, but found “Rent,” which was based on it, to be unintelligible.)
A bit of savoir faire goes a long way. You never know when that artichoke is going to show up.
May 10, The Platinum, Las Vegas, NV
Learn how to plan your day, your week, your month, your year. Gain a month of discretionary time by learning Alan’s techniques and approaches to organization, priorities, interruptions, technology, and leverage. One day that can gain you 30.
June 25-26, The Platinum, Las Vegas, NV
Join Alan and Patricia Fripp for a rollicking great time while learning these two experts� secrets of marketing for professional speakers. Over a decade of great fun and learning.
November 16-17, Sydney, Australia
A �mini-Consulting College, with a quarter century of consulting success presented in terms of thought leadership, Million Dollar Referrals, exploiting the two sales you make with a proposal, remote coaching and consulting, setting the highest fees of your life and getting them before the project begins, and much more. First 25 people get a free, third morning with a personal debrief by Alan. Dinner for 12 available with Alan on November 15 (half-filled already). The one-time opportunity of a lifetime.
May, 23-27 Castle Hill Inn, Newport, RI
October 31-November 4, Castle Hill Inn, Newport, RI
Participate in the finest development anywhere for consultants and related professionals. Visit the pages above for testimonials and photos. Join 200 elite consultants worldwide who have participated.
Weekly, 15-minute podcasts with segments on current business events, new intellectual property, and some humor. Monthly, ten-minute videos on business and self-development. And a full-day, free conference in mid-year (May 9). Three full work days—24 hours—of programming for a few dollars an hour in investment. Get this weekly booster shot right away. You’ll get all the archived material dating back to January.
June 23, 2011, MGM Lofts, Las Vegas, NV
Join Alan and a maximum of 10 other people to talk about business, philosophy, sex, religion, politics�whatever subjects come up in an 1800-square-foot, bi-level suite with 25-foot panoramic windows. Breakfast, lunch, breaks, and cocktails are all included. Consider this a professional and personal intellectual spa day. Only $1100. Three seats are filled, 8 remain�you must email Alan directly for your place.
Gaining 1,000 subscribers a month. A quick-hit primer and booster on the essentials of consulting marketing and delivery.
Six, one-hour sessions over six months in a small (maximum 12) group teleconference critiquing each other�s writing. Only $1,000. Write to Alan directly, only a few seats left: [email protected]. This will be the third group. Outstanding results for participants.
One of the most popular of all my offerings, there’s still time to enroll for the entire year at significant discount, but only until December 31, 2010. Topics include Story Telling, Power Language, Managing Your Day—highly requested issues and very pragmatic techniques. Free downloads for all registered.
June 15-16, 2011 Newport RI area (to be announced)
The goal is to provide the tools, expertise, access, references, resources, and support to identify, create, and launch profitable new products, with the option of a partnership with existing, successful providers.
October 19-21, 2011
The Breakers, West Palm Beach, Florida
An incredible three full days, focused on building your profile as a thought leader and "go to" person in your niche. We will have an outside, undisputed thought leader for one discussion segment, TED.com videos to deconstruct, three books to discuss, a personalized commercial book outline created, elegant meals, and a great deal more under my very aggressive leadership. Emerge with a clear blueprint, which will include my Stairstep Methodology, to become THE thought leader in your field.
All meals and luxury lodging included. DAVID MAISTER is my special guest speaker this year. He is the pre-eminent thought leader on small business development and growth. SOLD OUT! WE’RE TAKING REGISTRATIONS FOR OUR WAITING LIST!
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I kept hitting the brake with my foot and the starter button with my finger, but my car would not start. I was about to have a conniption over the impossibility of this kind of major mechanical malfunction, and/or both of the car’s batteries simultaneously dying.
“Am I going to have to call roadside assistance to come to my garage, or should I call the service manager?” I asked in frustration, reaching for the phone.
“Neither,” said my wife, “if you try taking your finger off the ashtray and placing it on the starter button.”
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Video Rant
See Writing on the Wall, featuring Koufax the Wonder Dog.
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Two new podcasts every week. Special cigar smoking room.
Join the Friday Wrap�
Weekly, 15-minute podcasts with segments on current business events, new intellectual property, and some humor. Monthly, ten-minute videos on business and self-development. And a full-day, free conference in mid-year (May 9). Three full work days—24 hours—of programming for a few dollars an hour in investment. Get this weekly booster shot right away. You’ll get all the archived material dating back to January.
2011 Teleconference Series
I've designed the next teleconference series around most frequently requested topics. Some topics, such as "Power Language," I'll take to the next level. New ones, such as "Story Telling," I'll deal with from the ground up. This is approximately ten hours of high-end development available live, on recording, and by download, all for a single investment.
The Odd Couple®
Las Vegas, NV, June 25-26, 2011
Join Alan and Patricia Fripp for a rollicking great time while learning these two experts� secrets of marketing for professional speakers. Over a decade of great fun and learning.
Shameless Promotion
East Greenwich, RI
Scheduled on demand
One-to-four people participate in a rigorous two days of promotional "mayhem," in which we create assertive and powerful approaches to mold thought leaders, "go to" people, interviewing targets, and objects of interest. The second course is now completed, and we ensure compatibility by vetting applicants. Nothing else like this if you seek to "rise above the noise." One to four people, scheduled at mutual convenience. The third one has recently been formed.
If you�re afraid of rocking the boat, why did you get in? —AW
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