Balancing Act: The Newsletter (No. 192, August 2015)

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  • Order your day around just a few priorities. Get them done, then focus on the less important or hit the beach.
  • Remember that "I don't have time for this" means you CHOOSE not to do it. You have the time, you're just not investing it here.
  • Remember George Ade's line: "Don't pity the martyrs, they love the work."
  • Scheduling back-to-back meetings or calls will lower your effectiveness in all of them.
  • Apologizing and moving on is better than regretting forever.
  • There are no secrets once told. If you've been told, assume others have, as well.
  • I love it when people complain about Skype reception, the ability to talk to someone on the screen who may be completely around the globe!
  • You have a two-hour drive in heavy traffic? Hire a driver, do some work, make your calls, listen to music. That's money well spent.
  • "Culture" is simply that set of beliefs that governs behavior. It depends what you believe in, and what your values are.
  • You've given referrals to others without asking. Why can't you ask for them? Do you feel somehow "unworthy"?


We seem to frequently use the wrong metrics. For example, people on Facebook often print pleading requests that their "friends" prove that they read their postings by responding in some way. Their metric for validation is that others read their posts. (See The Human Condition below for more on this.)

Publishers presumably look at social media popularity to gauge the sales potential of a prospective author, and determine the likelihood for books to be sold. Yet, there is no direct correlation. Someone could have thousands of followers, not one of whom would purchase a book, since they are only connected at the moment because it's free.

Evaluation sheets (I call them "smile sheets") after a speaker's presentation are useless, because the audience comprises the last people to be asked about the impact of the session (which also typically includes how did you like the lunch, were the handouts easy to read, and how comfortable was the furniture). The only person who matters is the buyer who invested the money in the speaker's fee. Most of the time I'm hired to discomfit an audience, to make them squirm, to provoke them. I don't care at all what they put on the smile sheets, I only care that I'm rehired and referred to other clients.

It's interesting that my car is rated at 205 MPH, because there is no road at any time that can accommodate that, short of the main runway at Dubai. (Spare me the autobahn, you can't do it there, either.) It's more important to know that my car has other attributes, such as the largest brakes in the world and blowout-proof tires.

We measure speed readers but not their comprehension. We love the ability to launch new ideas but don't look too closely at sustainability of those ideas. We think standing ovations are impressive measures of quality, yet they are as debased as the currency, provided now de rigueur by people who are trying like crazy to convince themselves the $250 they paid for the ticket was worth it (or who just didn't understand the performance and don't want to admit it).

I don't care how many proposals I send out, I care about how many are accepted. I don't pay attention to ingredients labels, I pay attention to how I feel after eating the food. I don't put much credence in what you claim so much as how you actually behave.

It's a matter of input vs. output. I was at a table in the kitchen of one of the finest restaurants in London. The chef didn't measure a thing, he simply kept tasting what he was creating at each step along the way. That was good enough for me.


The human condition: Validation

Have you seen these pleas on Facebook to "like" postings, or even to indicate that you've read someone's posting. Apparently, it's insufficient to many people that your friends on Facebook, you actually must demonstrate an active friendship and some kind of filial loyalty.

I've seen and worked with speakers who place more importance in the audience evaluations than whether the buyer will hire them again. They feel they've failed if they don't get the now tired, hackneyed, obligatory standing ovation (once reserved for real talent and not mere courtesy). One woman who finished a bit early, and wasn't in the moment enough in her memorized performance to simply ask for questions from the audience, left the stage in a tizzy when I went up, as emcee, to rescue her.

Later, I found her at the bar and told her she was fine on stage. "Fine isn't good enough!" she cried, literally, "I have to be great!"

Ho, hum.

I coach people daily who make ghastly mistakes in their meetings with buyers—buyers who can approve six-figure contracts—because their entire being is focused on being liked, instead of respected. They don't dare disagree, or push back, or become provocative. Instead, they are focused on what they feel the "right" answers will be so that the buyer will like them. Whether they are liked or not I'm never sure, but I do know they're not hired.

You simply cannot create a persona that requires external validation and affection. We do enough of that in our lives with graduation diplomas, driver's licenses, and the ghastly "certifications" from "coaching universities." (Who certifies the certifiers?) If you rely on others to confirm that you are sound, sane, and sensational, you will never be your own person and never be fulfilled.

In fact, if I'm not ticking someone off, annoying someone, or causing discomfit—if I'm not daily unfriended, unlinked, unfollowed, defrocked, defenestrated—I'm just not doing my job. I don't need you to love me, I just expect you to respect me because I'm an intelligent, articulate person who has interesting things to say. If that threatens you, or you don't think I conform enough (I follow no one on Twitter which hugely annoys some people there, to my glee), that's YOUR problem, not mine.

I don't need your approval, I'm a good, complete person. Just ask my dog, Bentley.


When I drive to workouts in my convertible, I place my wallet in the glove compartment and lock the car, which has an ultrasonic alarm which sounds if anyone reaches in. But I make a mental note to remove my wallet when I get home.

This was especially important last Monday when the car was being picked up for service. I drove home, took the wallet out and placed it on the seat with my towel and water bottle, and left the car in front of the house with the key in the cup holder. I took my workout gear inside.

An hour later I'm on the phone with a client when the house phone keeps ringing, but I don't answer. Then I get call waiting beeps on my business line and figure someone wants to talk to me urgently. I excuse myself to find the Bentley service manager telling me that they found my wallet on the passenger seat!

She said they'd send it right back with another driver. I asked her if she could also return a bag in the trunk that had my purchases from the pharmacy the night prior. When the driver returned, he brought my wallet, the bag, and my complete road kit, which weights about 15 pounds (flares, cables, flashlights, etc.). I didn't have the heart to tell him I didn't need that one...

Our recent, last group of 9 had four agent acceptances, two publisher discussion and one contract already. Complete a professional book proposal and have it submitted to agents and publishers within 60 days in an intimate group under my guidance. Phone calls and individual and group feedback. $4,500. We begin Aug. 31. Apply to me at
Gain access to my entire body of work—video, audio, print, electronic, hard copy, workshops, etc. Imagine your productivity gain watching a video of a first meeting with a buyer before you walk into one, or listening to a referral request on audio before calling for one! Tens of thousands of dollars of material for a few dollars a week. Order now and you get a bigger discount on Consulting Convention, below, if you so choose.
Both books will arrive next year, here's a chance to make an advance, discounted purchase and I will sign both books and pay for shipping.

October 20, 2015

Abandon the scarcity mentality and adopt an abundant mentality:
  • Lack of guilt of afterthought when acquiring something for yourself
  • Genuine pleasure in obtaining items you desire to have
  • Comfort with your position and no need to "beat" another’s position
  • Original views and actions, not derivative ones ("He flies first class!")
  • Positive self-talk (“It’s time to do this,” not “What will people think?”)
  • Philosophy that more income is always possible
  • Not constantly seeking “deals” and deferred payments
  • Ignoring credit card cycles and interest
  • Helping yourself in order to better help others
  • NOT doing things that don’t suit you even if others do them
  • Refusal to constantly evaluate “ROI” on every investment
  • High faith and belief in one’s self and one’s talents
  • The understanding and acceptance of success

March 16-18, 2016

There is no other gathering like this for consultants, coaches, and related professions. Join me and my special guest, Marshall Goldsmith, author of the soon to be released Triggers, along with a variety of experts, experiences, and interactions. Nearly 200 people attended the Atlanta event which continues to draw rave reviews. Major discounts if you register now. Twelve countries were represented in Atlanta.

Launched September 2, 2014

For almost pennies an item, receive very brief video, audio, and print assistance each week to build your self-esteem and deal with your life and career from a position of confidence and calm. Poor self-esteem is the biggest obstacle I've seen to people's progress. Join a thousand global colleagues and receive every past and future episode.

December 7-11, 2015

I've been asked to create this extended workshop for years but always resisted. The closest I've come were the Rainmaking Seminars that lasted for a day and a half and were presented three times a year. But it's time, because I want to codify all that I know about establishing, operating, and growing a consulting practice in one place.

October 7-9, 2015

THE master of influence, Robert Cialdini is my special guest. Join a small group of global colleagues for three days of learning and exchange, and an intimate dinner with Dr. Cialdini. Every past offering has been sold out, secure your place now. SOLD OUT, ask for wait list.
I've helped people: obtain six-figure contracts, make major media appearances, gain meetings with top people (some nationally known), have proposals closed, start new businesses, gain greater visibility, build self-worth, obtain book contracts, create new brands, improve their web sites and blogs, and so on. Most recently: Four six-figure contracts, five book proposals purchased by publishers, to start-up business thriving within six months.
THE ALAN CARD and THE BENTLEY CARD now available for 2015-16
As of 2015 there will be a Diamond Alan Card. (Colleen Francis calls this "all in," which is a poker term, and Colleen gambles on cards. My biggest gamble is wolfing down shellfish at dives on the Jersey Shore.) The card will entitle the bearer to partake of my offerings below (I've indicated as much as I can about next year and whether fees will increase or be stable).
Digital Empire Creation
Work with the strategic technological genius, Chad Barr, Master Mentor and Mentor Hall of Fame member, who is behind all of my web activity (and co-author with me of Million Dollar Web Presence). His team will create "instant" intellectual property from your material and place it in a variety of forms on the Internet on a continuing basis.


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See Writing on the Wall, featuring Koufax the Wonder Dog.


Two new podcasts every week. Special cigar smoking room.


Save the energy you expend trying to secure a "deal" and spend it on your growth and success so that you never need a "deal."

Alan Weiss