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- Vent it or forget it. Worry, fret, and regret represent wasted energy.
- Reading a condensed version of a book is like talking to your kids only once a week. You miss a few important things in the interim.
- Anyone who has to advertise a "life changing" method, discovery, or breakthrough probably doesn't have one.
- There is nothing wrong with an impulse purchase. There is something wrong with analyzing later why you did it.
- When you arise in the morning and retire at night, you should be happy.
- Empathy is understanding what others feel. Sympathy is feeling the same thing. Outstanding coaches and counselors are empathetic, not sympathetic.
- It is boring to hear people say they are "overwhelmed" and then have to watch them prove it.
- Try not to rely on single sources. During the recent blizzard, people who used one internet provider for the web, television, and phones lost all three outlets at once. There's a "package deal" for you!
- Get out of the mainstream. You'll never be heard in a herd.
- The latest fad on Facebook is to inform the world that you're ill. It used to be a point of pride carrying on and keeping sickness to yourself.

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The Pope has resigned his position. That's not everyday news. In fact it hasn't occurred for a while—600 years.
He wrote that he doesn't feel he has the physical capability of carrying on his stewardship in the manner required for the church and its parishioners. He watched his predecessor decline, yet hold on until death, and he decided it was better for everyone that he allow someone else to continue.
You don't have to be Catholic or even religious to appreciate the character represented in that decision.
I always admired Sandy Koufax, the great Dodger pitcher (and, I believe, the greatest pitcher in history), who left at the top of his game. His arm was injured but he could still win easily (he was 27-9 with an earned run average of 1.79 in his final year, the best in baseball). But he decided that he could live a wonderful life away from the game.
Sinatra, perhaps the greatest influence on American music in the 20th Century (you could only put Bing Crosby, Elvis, and the Beatles anywhere close to him) stayed at the fair much too long. For the last ten years of his life—he performed until the end—people merely came to see him as an icon not a talent, because his voice was long gone. I had seen him before and after several times, and I wished he would have stopped while on top, which for him was well into his 60s.
Some people lead lives full of diversity and richness, and they can leave a pursuit or occupation or avocation when they tire of it or no longer can engage at their prior standards. There are other things they can do. But some people hang on by the talons, refusing to jettison memories of the limelight, clinging to past celebrity. They have no other life, not other prospects, no other confidence.
All of us need to think about a full life. Children grow, pets pass away, distant lands may not be revisited, abilities change or diminish. But there is always another door, another light, another opportunity to move toward.
If, that is, we don’t cling, scratch, and claw trying to hold on to the past. Because you can't reach out unless you let go.
This Pope has set a fine example. I wish him Godspeed.
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The human condition: Cupidity
There is a find old Middle English root that has evolved into this deceptive word: cupidity. One may casually glance and believe that amore flows here, just as one may consider "meretricious" and believe it implies earned accomplishment. (It means "of or relating to a prostitute.")
Cupidity is about greed. Greed is the pursuit of riches and power. But we have to add something: It's the SELFISH pursuit, which means to me that it is usually at the expense of other people. We all compete to certain extents in life—for promotions, assignments, tickets to events, even lotteries. Athletics are fascinating because we can watch others compete. I'm convinced that my track experience in school, win or lose, helped build my character. (This is why offering school kids awards for just showing up to "build their esteem" seldom does, because the real world doesn't operate that way.)
We have a right to love those who compete honestly and win and detest those who compete dishonestly, whether they win or lose. Bernie Madoff "won" at the expense of others. So did Lance Armstrong. "Victimless crime" has always sounded like an oxymoron to me.
While I'm not moved to call the police or throw a rock, I pity the poor souls who cut a line because A) they're too narcissistic to stand in it, and B) they're too self-absorbed to believe others matter. There are people all over the Internet self-aggrandizing at the expense of others, often through unfair criticism of their work or outright lies. If you steal your cable service and brag about it, am I supposed to think I can believe whatever else you claim?
I've always believed in an Ayn Randian philosophy of helping yourself first so that you can then help others. That's why the airlines tell you to place your own oxygen mask on first. That's why I can do so much pro bono work—because I make sure my business is so successful. But I also try to differentiate between healthy selfishness and cupidity.
I have to admit that I like winning. But I don't need it so much that I have to cheat to do it. We all seek to arrive at our goals. But no one likes an arriviste.
Subject: Dramatic Growth Opportunities from Alan Weiss
Learn low-labor, high fee consulting for $5 a week. People are joining from all over the world. A five-minute video every week to build your career immediately. Created after sold-out teleconference and New York workshops. You'll receive all past editions when you sign up!
12 editions, beginning in January. Ten members of the Mentor Hall of Fame will interview me and two people chosen from subscribers will interview me on the other two occasions! Twelve hours with me "unplugged." I'll send all past downloads.
This will be a five-minute weekly podcast next year, 52 weeks of quick commentary on contemporary business events which can enrich (or endanger) your professional and personal pursuits. Learn what Pop Warner Football League concussions have to do with your clients' decision making, or what scuba diving has to do with committees. Receive access to ALL PAST audio and video.
My newest program, intensive, nine-month work with me assertively pushing you. This is NOT mentoring, but focused, continual work to produce that book, enter that new market, bring those new clients on board, create that better life balance. Limited participation. I call this KAATN (kick ass and take names).
Over the past year, six growth cycles of between five and ten people each have exponentially increased their business and enhanced their lives. We "renew" in March, and are accepting new members, or new groups if people choose to form their own groups. These include personal meetings in the groups and one-on-one with Alan, phone meetings, accountability partners, private teleconferences, etc. There are also discounts on all other offerings in Alan's communities, some of which are free.
March 21, Toronto, Canada
May 2, Seattle, WA
These sessions have been sold-out in Boston and LA. Spend an entire day with Alan, in a session that normally costs at least $1,000, for a tiny entry fee, his way of paying back. Learn the basics (and the tricks) of marketing, value, fee setting, implementation, lowering labor intensity, and so on. This is the only such session scheduled in 2013.
April 7-8, 2013, The Pierre Hotel, New York City
A rare repeat of one of my most popular workshops ever, the first day focuses on the philosophy, creation, formulation, and marketing of strategy. The optional second day focuses on actual client implementation and/or implementation for your own business. Complete documentation is included from an actual strategy project that required several months. Overwhelming demand for this rare program.
April 9, 2013 The Pierre Hotel, New York City
I'll take a limited number of people through the same processes I use to quickly create globally popular offerings, such as Common Sense Consulting (above) in teleconference, workshop, and subscription forms, using participants' IP and "sweet spots." Very personalized. This will sell out, enroll ASAP. I'll show you how I made over $200,000 within 21 days by monetizing IP, and then WE'LL TAKE YOUR IP AND DO THE SAME THING! Do not miss this, i's the only one scheduled.
April 22-26, 2013 Newport, RI
Join the 200 elite people who have participated in this unique program that has been offered in Newport, Boston, London, and Sydney. Everything you need to begin a business or dramatically grow an existing business, from marketing to delivery. There is no other offering like this in the world.
October 21-25, The Breakers, Palm Beach, FL
In the all-new Fundamentals Experience, Oct. 21-22, you'll learn how to formulate, nurture, and consistently create the IP which leads to thought leadership. MY SPECIAL GUEST IS RANDY GAGE, the global thought leader in prosperity and abundance-thinking whom you would otherwise never hear in a small group.
Oct. 23-25 is the Thought Leadership Graduate Experience, focusing on leveraging prior participants' success and solidifying thought leadership. MY SPECIAL GUEST IS DAN PINK, author of "Drive" and other best-sellers, who will chat interactively about gaining and sustaining thought leadership. Both Randy and Dan will be at some of our meals for more informal talk.
There is no place else in the world to experience a week like this in your development and success track. ONLY TWO SEATS remain in the Graduate Experience. Can you afford NOT to attend? If you attend the first two days you are qualified to attend the next three if you so choose.
And these terrific sessions authorized by Alan:
Conducted by Linda Popky June 11 9-4pm
San Francisco Bay Area
Learn from someone who has mastered and applied Alan's approaches the fundamentals of smart professional services business growth. Extensive interaction and wonderful learning from Linda, who can share her immediate experiences. This one-day workshop is designed to help you create and master the dramatic, action-oriented language that creates conceptual agreement with buyers.
Conducted by Linda Popky May 29, Boston
Based on Alan's "Million Dollar Referrals" best-seller, Linda will take you through sources, the request, the follow-up, and the conversion. You'll have role-play practice and the confidence to go out and secure referrals the next day.
Conducted by Kelli Richards
April 19, Capital Club, San Jose, CA
Join Kelli Richards in the famous Thrive! Workshop developed by Alan from his popular book. Master your own life, exploit your greatest assets, control your time, achieve self-mastery. Kelli is a former Apple executive, consulting expert, and author of a best-selling ebook.
March 15, 2013 11:00 am Eastern US time
Alan Weiss on Instructional Design:Excellence in Training, Teaching, and Delivering Dynamic Classroom Results
This special teleseminar is based on Alan’s experience and best practices honed over nearly three decades of conducting successful high-end educational workshops, immersions, teleseminars, and other learning experiences, as well as an early career as the most successful trainer in the most successful training company in the US.
Learn the core skills and strategies that will elevate your training and teaching to the highest levels. Are you earning $2,500 for a workshop? You should be earning $25,000:
- Working backwards from learning objectives
- Planning a full day: Alan’s 4-90
- What never to forget when structuring shorter programs
- Making it easy: How to create top-notch preparatory work
- Dynamic openings
- Ain’t no boring college lecture: Conveying learning points succinctly
- Tips for structuring interactive groups
- Developing power questions to maximize group discussion
- Visuals and technology that you don’t trip over
- Principles for providing direct, helpful feedback
- Dealing with hecklers and road-blockers
- Adhesion: Sticking the landing (actually using the stuff)
March 15, 2013
1:00 pm Eastern US time
Alan Weiss on Abundance Thinking: Thinking Big, Living Large, and Losing the Poverty Mentality
In recent years, Alan’s Thinking Big, Living Large, and Million Dollar Mindset offerings have emerged as among his most popular and frequently discussed topics in his communities. In this special teleconference, Alan will build upon these seminal works to “dig deeper” and illuminate how poverty thinking can quietly undermine even the best intentions to rejoice, live large, and care for self and others.
Learn and use and improve with these principles:
- Why flying first class is cheaper than coach after all the thinking is done
- Why you can't help anyone more than you help yourself
- Breaking out of the guilt jail
- "First confidence" replacing "second guessing"
- Creating three-dimensional perspective
- Developing your fire power
- Succeeding by giving
- It would have been a better world if Atlas shrugged
This is not about making money or gaining fame, though those may be offshoots if you so desire. It's about being comfortable in your own skin, recognizing the ethical opportunities that life and society provide, and running down the track without the burden you may now be carrying.
The good news and bad news: It's about what you think and tell yourself. Join Alan as he gets as close as he might ever to Tony Robbins—but wear sneakers.
Each program: $175
Sign up for both: $300
Alan's Growth Cycle® Discounts Apply Alan's Roundtable® Members Free
Deadline March 1, 2013. After March 1, $200 for each program.
Register immediately at:
Work with the strategic technological genius, Chad Barr, Master Mentor and Mentor Hall of Fame member, who is behind all of my web activity (and co-author with me of Million Dollar Web Presence). His team will create "instant" intellectual property from your material and place it in a variety of forms on the Internet on a continuing basis.
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I was at my favorite restaurant, where I'm treated like a prince. I had taken a client to dinner. One of the managers brought my coat, and I pointed out it wasn't mine. He tried to assure me it was, and begged me to try it on. I told him it was not my coat, and I put it on to humor him. In doing so, I stuck my hand in the pocket and found a note, which I opened to show him that it was someone else's coat.
The handwriting was mine. I had thought I had worn a different coat, and had forgotten about this one. Now, when we visit once or twice a week, I'm always asked if I'll be able to recognize my coat. The hostess discreetly lowers her eyes.
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to share the contents with others with appropriate attribution. Please
use the ® whenever the phrase "Balancing Act" is used in connection
with this newsletter or our workshops.
Video Rant
See Writing on the Wall, featuring Koufax the Wonder Dog.
Visit my blog
Two new podcasts every week. Special cigar smoking room.
Join the Friday Wrap®
Weekly, 15-minute podcasts with segments on current business events, new intellectual property, and some humor. Monthly, ten-minute videos on business and self-development. And a full-day, free conference in mid-year. Three full work days—24 hours—of programming for a few dollars an hour in investment. Get this weekly booster shot right away. You’ll get all the archived material.
2013 Teleconference Series
A series of wide-ranging interviews with me, with 10 conducted by members of the Million Dollar Consulting� Mentor Hall of Fame.
Shameless Promotion
East Greenwich, RI
Scheduled on demand
One-to-four people participate in a rigorous two days of promotional "mayhem," in which we create assertive and powerful approaches to mold thought leaders, "go to" people, interviewing targets, and objects of interest. The second course is now completed, and we ensure compatibility by vetting applicants. Nothing else like this if you seek to "rise above the noise." One to four people, scheduled at mutual convenience. The third one has recently been formed.
Environments in organizations influence behaviors. So does your environment. With whom are you interacting regularly? How effective is your support system? How comfortable are you in general?—Alan Weiss