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The Esteem Machine
October 8, 2024
10:30AM to Noon Eastern US Time
A recording will be distributed.

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Pre-pandemic, I encountered large numbers of successful, good people who weren’t even more successful because they struggled with low self-esteem. They felt like “imposters.”

Post-pandemic, with the current constant volatility, disruption, and ambiguity, it’s far worse.

Low self-esteem creates high stress levels, guilt, and fear, and “masks” natural talents. You can never succeed to the utmost of your abilities if you’re worried about being “found out” and constantly concerned about how to “wear a costume” pretending you’re someone else.

Join me for 90 minutes and I’ll help you design a program for yourself that you can implement and follow by yourself, daily, to create a far greater sense of confidence and certainty about your true value and worth.

I’ve been helping people do this for 25 years in both corporate and entrepreneurial settings. However, this is the first time I’ve codified it so that, once the process is mastered, you need no further coaching or external support.

In other words, I’ll help you gain the esteem to perpetually power your Esteem Machine.

Fee: $450

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