Million Dollar Consulting® Mindset
From Alan Weiss
Volume 1 Number 8
August 2011
A monthly newsletter with the objective of quickly and pragmatically helping consultants to improve their craft, results, and lives.
Why Priorities Are Not Accomplished
When everything is a priority, nothing is a priority. That applies to our own practices as well as our clients. How many emails do you receive with the “!” indication of a priority? How many are really urgent? Most are simply intended to get your attention amidst a ton of email, and pretty much the false alarms encourage us to ignore them (and the legitimate alarms).
Priorities need to be distinguished from the merely important and highly desirable. There are three key criteria that can help:
- Seriousness is the impact of the effects of an event. This can be deleterious—the building falls down—or salutary—the new client is brought on board.
- Urgency is the need to act with speed. Not all important things are urgent, and not all urgent things are important. The question here is, “Do I miss a key window of opportunity if I don’t act rapidly?” or “Will my condition quickly worsen to unacceptable levels if I don’t act now?”
- Growth is the trend of the issue. Is it stable, growing, or declining?
Case Study
I asked a group of senior executives which of the issues they were facing were of highest priority, and to name them quickly. Eight people rapidly named nearly 30 issues after eliminating duplications. We then applied the above criteria.
We learned three things:
- Only four of the “priorities” rated as high priority using the objective criteria above on a corporate basis.
- Senior people tended to view only their own “turf” as their playing field, even thought they have a corporate accountability as senior executives.
- When all eight focused on just four priorities in concert, they were dealt with in record time.
Frequently Asked Question
Q. How do I convince someone else who is vital to achieving one of my priority goals to cooperate and collaborate?
A. Start by asking, “What’s in it for him or her?” They are not going to change necessarily merely because you need something. One of the mistakes that managers make is they demand change, which leads to compliance but not commitment. Find something in the other person’s best interests which will also be achieved through the priority you are trying to accomplish. That way, the cooperation will last long after you’ve made the initial request.

August 15, 2011, One Hour, Noon Eastern US Time
Includes a free download within 48 hours AND a free copy of my new, highly acclaimed book, Million Dollar Referrals, if you register before August 15! (Book shipped upon publication in the fall.)
Learn practical techniques to turn every sale into multiple sales through intelligent pursuit of referrals, and stop leaving hundreds of thousands of dollar on the table each year. This is one of the fastest routes to short-term business and revenue. I’ll share the latest, greatest techniques and language in this unique, new teleconference.

November 16-17
Sydney, Australia
A �mini-Consulting College, with a quarter century of consulting success presented in terms of thought leadership, Million Dollar Referrals, exploiting the two sales you make with a proposal, remote coaching and consulting, setting the highest fees of your life and getting them before the project begins, and much more. First 25 people get a free, third morning with a personal debrief by Alan. Dinner for 12 available with Alan on November 15 (two seats remain!). The one-time opportunity of a lifetime.

Million Dollar Consulting® College
Oct. 31- Nov. 4, 2011
Castle Hill Inn
Newport, RI
Participate in the finest development anywhere for consultants and related professionals.
© Alan Weiss 2011. All rights reserved.
You may reprint and excerpt this newsletter provided that you include our copyright, the source, the author, and �reprinted with permission.�
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