Million Dollar Consulting® Mindset
From Alan Weiss
Volume 3 Number 12
December 2013
Welcome to the third year of Million Dollar Consulting Mindset. Our mission is to spark new thinking and ideas for creating a thriving business and rewarding life. Hence, I'm changing the format slightly, striving to create quick ideas, easy to read and absorb. As always, I'm happy to answer questions if you send them to me and specify they're for MDCM.
The New Year
New years are symbolic times of new starts. I think it's a wonderful opportunity, though often unfilled for most. But that doesn't mean it won't work for you.
My professional suggestions for the New Year are to:
Find a way to get in front of buyers at least once a week. That's about 50 a year. If half show interest and you submit proposals to half of them and half of those accept them at an average of just $50,000, that's……..$300,000 right there.
The best ways to get in front of buyers are to:
Find people who know them and get introductions
Network at events that they attend
Speak at events they attend
Write for publications they read
Host an event that attracts them
Get serious about your value proposition (how clients improve after working with you). Keep it to a single sentence that describes a dramatic outcome. ("I help you reduce new client acquisition time and expense.")
Get serious about your expertise. Learn to easily say, "I am an expert in XXX" until it is natural.
Drop subscriptions, memberships, and even acquaintances which aren't helping you to improve but which have simply become force of habit and time wasters.
Every morning and evening repeat a very brief description of what you're excellent at doing. ("I coach people so that they can perform better and achieve their career goals.")
"Tithe" (ten percent) of everything you earn into a separate account which you don't touch in order to provide some financial freedom and reserves.
Resolve to increase your fees and decrease your labor on every new piece of business.
These simple eight steps should propel you to more and better business and enhance your life.
I began this newsletter to cover all the basics of the profession, for free, as a service to colleagues. I will continue to do that as we enter the fourth year. There has never been and will not be a charge for this monthly newsletter.
For those of you who would like more of an experiential approach and to accelerate learning and results, I'm offering a Professional Subscription. For just $50 I'll provide in addition:
A quarterly teleconference expressly for Professional Subscription members, which will include Q&A and a free download within 48 hours.
- A quarterly video on implementation and methodologies. This will also be a free download.
The first two alone are worth between $200 and $400, and you'll receive 8 learning experiences which you can retain and replay whenever need. This will be all new material. The deadline is January 31. That's $6.25 per video and audio!
If you choose not to, the newsletter is still yours for free, of course. You can
Obtain the Professional Subscription level here
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Thank you.
Thought from Alan:
You will be exactly the same person you are today in one year except for the choices you make between now and then.
© Alan Weiss 2013. All rights reserved.
You may reprint and excerpt this newsletter provided that you include our copyright, the source, the author, and �reprinted with permission.�
ISSN: 2159-306X
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