Million Dollar Consulting® Mindset
From Alan Weiss
Volume 4 Number 11
November 2014
Our mission is to spark new thinking and ideas for creating a thriving business and rewarding life.
What is an abundance mentality?
An abundance mentality is one of prosperity and a plentiful amount of positive and good things in your life, tangible and intangible.
A Million Dollar Mindset must be one of abundance, and not poverty or victimization. Our orientation should be to find and create opportunity, not to bemoan our fate or "buckle down" in a metaphoric bunker.
An abundance mentality would be represented by:
- Optimism immediately upon awakening in the morning.
- Evaluating unexpected events for advantage and opportunity.
- Not seeking or worrying about "deals," nor unhappiness because someone else received a better price.
- Appreciation of comfort and pleasure and not of saving and frugality.
- The trust and confidence that one can always make a living and generate income.
- The recognition that talent is permanent, reusable, and valuable.
- A feeling of accomplishment through work and discipline rather than through luck.
- Believing you are in control of your life and not merely floating through it driven by other forces.
- Prudent risk taking.
- An absence or second-guessing and self-editing.
- Resilience in the face of setbacks.
- An absence of guilt over one's accomplishments or acquisitions.
Why don't we all have an abundance mentality?
These are controllable aspects of our lives, but we tend to listen to and commiserate with others who have a poverty or victimization mentality. We are told by those less talented and less successful that we are lucky, not good, which is why we have something they do not. Many of us have parents who had to live in frugal circumstances which were then inculcated in us.
We need to think in realistic terms about our accomplishments, and use empirical evidence to support how we've applied our skills and talents. And we need to form relationships with those of a like mind, not those who spend their lives pulling us down to their perceived level of ineffectiveness.
The road to the Million Dollar Mindset is one of abundance- and prosperity-thinking. You can begin that right now.
I want to remind you of the Million Dollar Consulting� Convention in Atlanta on March 11-13. I have 9 global experts presenting concurrent sessions and Dr. Martin Seligman as one of the general session speakers. You won't find this kind of value in one place at one time anywhere else. You can see a video, all the presenters, and save $200 before January 1 by going here: http://www.summitconsulting.com/million-dollar-consulting-convention/ I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to be there if you're interested in building your career and expanding your success, and networking with colleagues from around the world.
My new teleconference, Moving from A Poverty to An Abundance Mentality: http://summitconsulting.com/teleconference/moving-from-a-poverty-mentality-to-an-abundance-mentality.php
© Alan Weiss 2014
© Alan Weiss 2014. All rights reserved.
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