Million Dollar Consulting® Mindset
From Alan Weiss
Volume 4 Number 12
December 2014
Our mission is to spark new thinking and ideas for creating a thriving business and rewarding life.
Another Year
First, my wife and I wish you all the very best for the Holiday Season and New Year. May you enjoy health, peace, and prosperity.
As I write this, the economy is booming in the U.S. and unemployment is decreasing to baseline levels (5%). Have you, as well, enjoyed a resurgence in your business? Are you optimistic about, and investing in, 2015?
Ronald Reagan asked a classic question in getting elected: Are you better off now than you were four years ago? He was referring to government service.
In this case, we're talking about what you're doing for yourself. What is your mindset? Do you see yourself as controlling your fate, mapping out your own future, providing for your own success?
Here's my advice for some critical thinking over the holidays:
- What have I learned that I can apply for greater success next year?
- What development am I lacking that I should invest in for myself?
- How should my business evolve or change to reflect my desired lifestyle?
- What beliefs and habits do I have to modify given where I am today compared to a year ago?
- Is my support system adequate for my pragmatic business needs and personal emotional needs? If not, how can I improve it?
Not Another Repeat Year
I've never seen the wisdom in working harder. "I gave 20 speeches last year, and I plan to do 30 this year." "I had 12 coaching clients and I think I can handle 24." The idea is to work smarter.
Growth isn't about revenue. Revenue improvement is a byproduct of other kinds of growth: skills, behaviors, brand, intellect, thought leadership, and so forth. The more you grow as a person and as an expert, the more your revenues will reflect that improvement.
But the more you simply focus on revenue growth, the more you'll be working harder to meet arbitrary monetary goals. NEVER say that you intend to double or triple your income, but rather say you'd like to maximize it. The problem with choosing arbitrary numbers is that you my just hit them when you could have done even better, or if you do well but don't reach them you feel like a failure!
Are you better off than you were a year ago? Will you be better still in another year? That's not the government's issue, it's yours.
I want to remind you of the Million Dollar Consulting� Convention in Atlanta on March 11-13. I have 9 global experts presenting concurrent sessions and Dr. Martin Seligman as one of the general session speakers. You won't find this kind of value in one place at one time anywhere else. You can see a video, all the presenters, and save $200 before January 1 by going here: http://www.summitconsulting.com/million-dollar-consulting-convention/ I can't imagine why you wouldn't want to be there if you're interested in building your career and expanding your success, and networking with colleagues from around the world.
© Alan Weiss 2014
© Alan Weiss 2014. All rights reserved.
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