When my son was young I sometimes told him I couldn't be with him because I had to go to work.


Balancing Act®: The Newsletter

(No. 271, March 2022)

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Balancing Act® is in four sections this month:

  1. Things People Still Don’t Get About the Internet
  2. Musings
  3. The Human Condition: Work
  4. ORTIYKMWOYBNT-O Department


Every day I provide 3–5 brief, pithy pieces of advice for growth. Join the thousands who read these “quick hits” every morning. Over 8,000 followers! Why aren't you among them? AND FIND ME ON FACEBOOK

Things People Still Don't Get About the Internet

Things People Still Don’t Get About the Internet

  • Don’t hit “reply all” when you simply want to communicate with the sender or comment that you’ll be a bit late for a meeting.
  • Unless you’re informing an entire group (board of directors, team, etc.) don’t put all their address in “cc” and expose them, use “bcc.” (Isn’t it great using abbreviations from the typewriter age?)
  • If you just use your first name and have no sig file, there’s a good chance I won’t know who you are. (I know 22 Bobs, 11 Lisas, and 8 Dougs, at least.)
  • Use a common font. If you put something in Bauhaus 93 chances are it may not come through correctly or just bore me trying to read it.
  • Facebook is all about personal opinions and confirmation bias. If that’s your primary news source, consider yourself uninformed.
  • If you’re going to post videos, especially to promote yourself, have proper lights, a proper mike, a proper camera, a decent background, keep your hair out of your eyes, be well groomed (makeup for women), and don’t read a teleprompter. If you can manage all that you’ll be in the 5% of videos that are actually worth watching (assuming you have something intelligent to say).
  • If you can’t return your email within 24 hours, I’m probably not interested in what you were going to say. And the old, trite excuse, “I’ll be traveling,” doesn’t cut it unless you’re traveling to the moon. (I’m writing this column at 36,000 feet and also answering my email)
  • Almost everything you receive telling you your account has been breached, or your service suspended, and asking for you to visit a site to change your password, is a scam to collect your password. If you’re ever uncertain, click on the return address once or twice and you’ll find out that your bank is actually writing from Albania.
  • There is a clever song from the very funny musical, Avenue Q, which is called, “The Internet Was Made for Porn.” That’s nowhere near as satirical as it sounds.

The Endemic of it All

We are going to see most Covid restrictions dropped in the early part of this year in my estimation. Masks won’t be required in most places (including airplanes), vaccine proof will be seldom demanded. (As it is, many of the places that do demand it don’t look at IDs, which is beyond stupid.)

Like the flu, or the common cold, we’ll live with the malady. Most people who contract it will have a day or so or discomfort, a very few will be hospitalized, and a rare person will die—as with the historic flu cases.

This means that kids can learn again in a traditional school environment (not that this represents great learning in this country), people can travel without constantly proving they’re innocent (except when going through TSA), and the vax/anti-vax wars will decline to occasional skirmishes.

Right now, many health facilities allow unvaccinated staff to treat patients so long as they wear masks, and in most hospitals people are wearing masks anyway. You need to wear a mask on airplanes and trains, but you don’t have to be vaccinated. Go figure. And “actively eating or drinking” exceptions mean having a partially filled glass within reach to most people.

In other words, we have more symbolism that substance. And that’s because we’ve been scared and told lies—misinformation—by the scientists, politicians, and media. I define “lies” as statements that are unproven and not validated, as well as deliberately incorrect.

So Covid is endemic. We knew that polio had a very high fatality rate, and we had to prevent it. We now understand that a large percentage of the population vaccinated doesn’t always prevent Covid but it will severely mitigate its effects and drastically reduce deaths.

But the experience brings us to new realities about our trust in others, our willingness to take risks, and out tolerance of other viewpoints. We shouldn’t lose this kind of learning.

Because we’re not “returning to normal” or encountering a “new normal.” This is the time of No Normal™. This is the time, if we’re really smart, to face up to the new realities.

The Human Condition


When my son was young I sometimes told him I couldn’t be with him because I had to go to work (I commuted to an office and often flew to clients). My wife would have to explain that I wouldn’t be home until after work.

He would repeat at those times, “Wok, wok, wok!” Today, my son is 45 and a father but my wife and I often say to each other, “Well, off to wok, wok, wok.”

“Work” is basically activity (mental and physical) required to achieve results, often to earn money, but not always. We work to plant a garden to grow vegetables, or to put up new shelves in the garage. I tell people in my sessions that they’re going to engage in the toughest kind of work—the mental tough work required for changes in behavior.

Even hobbies require work. It’s not easy to build a model railroad and most competitive sports require focused mental work to do well. Try daydreaming on a racquetball court and you may end up in excruciating pain.

I’ve walked miles in horrible weather delivering mail; I’ve moved crates in the dirty basement of a cheap discount store; I’ve worked summers in 100° heat in a sweat shop manufacturing plant. I’ve known all kinds of work, and I’ve never pulled a muscle, inhaled filth, or fallen down while I was at my computer thinking (as I am at the moment).

I understand the “Great Resignation,” which I think is in reality an existential jail break. People deserve to be treated decently and rewarded appropriately for their talents. Quite aside from that, no one deserves reward or money or plaudits for choosing not to work. The great science fiction writer, Robert Heinlein, wrote 70 years ago, TINSTAAFL (there is no such thing as a free lunch).

So next time you’re stuck in traffic, or your software acts up, or you don’t have a good cell connection, and you’re moved to complain about work, think again.

Only Read This if You Know Me Well

I have a large collection of models which I’ve built over the years, and they’re housed in display cases in my garage. I was asked to submit pictures of the large capital ships, and they are delicate and difficult to move around. I gingerly removed six, lined them up for some shots, then carefully returned them.

I realized, however, that I had put two behind the wrong identifying names and would have to take them out once again and reposition them

Just before I did so, I realized I could just move the name cards.

Development Opportunities
Return to Australia

Return to Australia

I’ll be making my 19th trip in October, this time to Brisbane, to present a week of unique offerings from passive income and global “reach” to a new strategy approach. Join me and your peers for my latest value to grow your business and decrease your labor facing our “new realities.” Discounts for first registrants. I have limited seating capacity.

Million Dollar Consulting® Global Online Program

Million Dollar Consulting® for the World

I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? We have over 500 people from 43 countries.

The Role Play Workshop

The Role Play Workshop

Join me in Dallas on April 29 in an intimate setting for a day of role play where we exchange roles and practice from “both sides.” We’ll deal with sales meetings, referral requests, networking discussions, expansion business, advisory offers, overdue payments, rejecting scope creep, and whatever else is on your mind. We’ll also be adjusting language to reflect today’s new realities in terms of technology, remote meetings, social mores, economics, strategy, and much more. For example, do you realize there’s a vast difference between “budget” (always strained) and “money” (always available)?

Beyond Thought Leadership

Beyond Thought Leadership

Six “stars” from my community from five countries will be interviewed by me in this live, 2.5 day experience. I’ll be introducing new IP, case studies, and role-plays. And the final interview will be with me. This is one-time only, it was difficult to organize. Limited participation, in Miami in November, register now, no one else can offer this experience for your growth.

Ferocious Time Management

Ferocious Time Management

I’m tired of wasting my time hearing people tell me they have no time!!In a rare appearance in San Diego, I’m going to help you ruthlessly organize yourself so that you have time to close business, deliver a remote speech, create a book outline, and learn to tame wild beasts before lunch. Seriously, time is “elastic,” and you can stretch it to accommodate what you need to accomplish. Moreover, most people work too hard to achieve too little. Discretionary time is wealth, not money, but we’re prone to work so hard chasing money that we erode our wealth. Create greater output in a 20-hour week!

By Invitation Only

By Invitation Only

This year I’m accepting six people for a 2.5-day meeting, June 14-16 in the Caribbean, and 12 people for a 2.5-day meeting September 6-8 at a resort of the group’s choosing. I have two seats open in June and eight in September. We stay at great resorts, work for a half-day on personal and business issues with peers, and socialize with great meals and wonderful surroundings. Spouses and partners are welcome but not mandatory! Write me to apply and/or visit my website.


Alan Weiss’s Balancing Act® Newsletter is a registered trademark of Alan Weiss and Summit Consulting Group, Inc.
© Alan Weiss 2022

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