New Realities
I’m taking a break from responding to questions this month (though they are always welcome) to focus on something I feel is vital to all of us: We are kidding ourselves if we think we know what’s coming, and we’re delusional if we think we’re “snapping back” to some prior norm.
Here are the factors which compel me to feel that way:
- Polarization is not disappearing. If anything, it’s getting worse. This is because there seems to be an insistence that we can’t just “win” on an issue, the other side has to also “lose.” There is less tolerance than ever for compromise and accommodation.
- The global nature of economic impact will be felt more and more. Energy, food, technology, medical science and so forth and interdependent worldwide: chips, transport, warfare, energy, clean air and sufficient water.
- In the US, there is likely to be a sweeping change in the political legislative majority in November which will have a global impact.
- Social justice, climate, animal rights, immigration, abortion, and other highly emotional issues will continue to impact and disrupt business decisions (just take a look at Disney in Florida).
- Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the NATO response, and repercussions of that war can’t yet be understood and will be undoubtedly long-lasting.
On a pragmatic basis, the consulting profession needs to consider these realities:
- The more comfortable we are globally, the more valuable we are. I have clients in Russia, China, Estonia, Argentina, and 40+ other countries. We need to be internationalists which is empowered through remote technology.
- We need to be generalists as much as possible, not content experts but rather process experts. Our expertise has wider application than most of us allow for, and the ability to work cross-industrially is as important as the ability to work globally.
- There is a “mastery of media” required, and I don’t mean putting videos on Linkedin. We need to appear in the “public square” as experts, utilizing podcasts, video, text, interviews, books, and other means to reach people who learn in varying manners.
- Branding is more important than ever. A brand, basically, is how (and whether) people think about us when we’re not around. We need that kind of constant brand building at all stages of our careers.
- We need to invest in ourselves. Every great performer in any discipline improves through coaching. If you recommend it for your clients, why isn’t it appropriate for you?