We think about the past by applying memory, we consider the present by using perceptions, and we predict the future using imagination. While all three are imprecise, imagination is probably the weakest of them all. That’s because it’s difficult for many of us to remove our "filters" and allow ourselves to simply imagine.

Volume 11 Number 10 |October 2021


Our mission is to spark new thinking and ideas for creating a thriving business and rewarding life.


Here we are at the start of the fourth quarter and looking toward 2022. I thought I’d stimulate your thinking with a few predictions. Experts make predictions, and you should be doing the same for your clients and prospects.

We think about the past by applying memory, we consider the present by using perceptions, and we predict the future using imagination. While all three are imprecise, imagination is probably the weakest of them all. That’s because it’s difficult for many of us to remove our “filters” and allow ourselves to simply imagine.


  • 3-D printing will take on major proportions: cars, appliances, etc.
  • A “southeast Asia confederacy” will be created to oppose Chinese expansion.
  • The Chinese will launch at least a “soft war” (embargo, blockade, cyber-attacks) on Taiwan.
  • Increased public monitoring will take place in theory to deter crime but in fact with a deterioration of privacy, including drones, cameras, and internet monitoring.
  • Cars will communicate directly with highways in terms of accidents, driving conditions, and so forth. Software such as Waze will become obsolete.
  • Fur clothing will be banned.
  • There will be major movements against slaughtering animals for food.
  • Human parts will be inserted into machines (automatons).
  • There will be experiments in weaponizing weather.
  • The decline of the oil industry will create major economic disruption.
  • An extinct animal will be cloned and born using DNA (e.g., Woolly Mammoths in elephants).
  • There will be a revival in organized religion.
  • Abortion debates will lessen as a 99% effective birth control pill is available for men and women.
  • Alzheimer’s disease will have an effective treatment creating massive increases in family quality and productivity.

New and Dramatic Offerings for Your Success This Year

Million Dollar Consulting® for the World

Million Dollar Consulting® Global Online Program

I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It's only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI?


New: How to Maximize Value to Maximize Fees

How to Maximize Value to Maximize Fees

Join me for a 90-minute Zoom broadcast to learn and apply how to immediately increase the perception of value in the buyer’s eyes. This can generate a 1,000:1 return on this modest investment. This fee will soon increase.


The Master Class

The Master Class

This annual, intimate offering was full until four of my colleagues from Germany and Australia could not travel internationally. I’ve filled two seats, but two remain. You’ll be among 14 people discussing lowering labor intensity, highlighting advisor work, creating passive income, and so forth for constantly growing, innovative practices.


Sentient Strategy

Sentient Strategy

My next certification program is via Zoom, two mornings, on November 16-17. Over 60 people certified in six countries. EVERY business needs a new post-pandemic strategy, and this process can be applied virtually or in person in as little as a day. I recommend a minimum $35,000 fee. The certification is only $12,000, and I support you for 90 days. Read about it here https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/sentient-strategy/ and/or write me here: [email protected].

Read about it here and/or write me here: [email protected]




I have room once again in my supercharged coaching program (Kick Ass and Take Names) that features weekly, scheduled meetings, assignments, and accountabilities. You have unrestricted access to me by Zoom, phone, and email for seven months in addition to our weekly contact. If you’re serious about moving forward rapidly, the let me help you with role plays, review of proposals, preparation for buyer meetings, scripts for referrals, and whatever else you need to create the business you deserve. Over 100 people have been through this focused growth, a third of them renewing to continue it.


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© Alan Weiss 2019

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