Private Roster
Members' Bibliography
Here is a partial list of books published by past and present members of Alan Weiss’s Private Roster Mentor Program:
(Books are available through
Adamsky, Howard

Employment Rage
(NorLightsPress: 2011)

Hiring and Retaining Top IT Professionals: The guide for savvy hiring managers and job hunters alike
(McGraw-Hill: 2001)
Bane, Michael

All Night Radio
(Flying Dragon: 2003)

Over the Edge: A Regular Guy’s Odyssey in Extreme Sports
(Wilderness Press: 2000)

Shifting Paradigms: Reshaping the Future of Industry
(Dogwood: 1990)

Trail Safe: Averting Threatening Human Behavior in the Outdoors
(Wilderness Press: 2000)
Bates, Suzanne

Motivate Like a CEO, Communicate Your Strategic Vision and Inspire People to Act!
(McGraw-Hill: 2009)

Speak Like a CEO, Secrets for Commanding Attention and Getting Results
(McGraw-Hill: 2005)
Baxter, Robbie Kellman

The Membership Economy: Find Your Superusers, Master the Forever Transaction & Build Recurring Revenue
(McGraw-Hill: 2015)
Bild, Traci

7 Steps to Successful Selling: Work Smart, Sell Effeciently, Make Money
(Perigee/Penguin Putnam: 2001)
Birol, Andrew

The 5 Catalysts of 7 Figure Growth – Propel your business to the next level
(CareerPress: 2006)
Birkeland, Peter

Franchising Dreams: The Lure of Entrepreneurship in America
(University of Chicago Press: 2002)
Carrad, David Clayton

The Complete QDRO Handbook: Dividing ERISA, Military, and Civil Service Pensions and Collecting Child Support from Employee Benefit Plans
(American Bar Association: 2000)
Casemore, Shawn

Operational Empowerment: Collaborate, Innovate and Engage to Beat the Competition
(McGraw Hill: 2015)
Clark, Dorie

Reinventing You: Define Your Brand, Imagine Your Future
(Harvard Business Review Press: 2013)
Cobb, Jeff

Leading the Learning Revolution: The Expert’s Guide to Capitalizing on the Exploding Lifelong Education Market
(AMACOM: 2013)

Shift Ed: A Call to Action for Transforming K-12 Education
(Corwin: 2011)
Cora, Gabriela’s Leading Under Pressure: Strategies to Avoid Burnout, Increase Energy, and Improve Your Well-being
(Career Press: 2010)
Coughlin, Dan

Accelerate: 20 Practical Lessons to Boost Business Momentum
(Kaplan Publishing: 2007)

Corporate Catalysts: How To Make Your Company More Successful, Whatever Your Title, Income, or Authority
(Career Press: 2007)
Christian, Ken

Your Own Worst Enemy: Breaking the Habit of Adult Underachievement
(Regan Books, HarperCollins: 2002)
Csordos, Mark

Business Lessons for Entrepreneurs: 35 Things I Learned Before the Age of Thirty
(SouthWestern Publishing: 2002)
Dierickx, Constance

High-Stakes Leadership: Leading Through Crisis with Courage, Judgment, and Fortitude
(Routledge: 2017)

The Merger Mindset
(Routledge: 2018)
DiResta, Diane

Knockout Presentations: How to Deliver Your Message with Power, Punch, and Pizzazz
(Chandler House Press: 1998)
Fleming, Noah

Evergreen: Cultivate the Enduring Customer Loyalty that Keeps Your Business Thriving
(AMACOM: 2015)

The Customer Loyalty Loop: The Science Behind Creating Great Experiences and Lasting Impressions
(Career Press: 2016)

Dealing with Difficult Customers: How to Turn Demanding, Dissatisfied, and Disagreeable Clients into Your Best Customers
(Career Press: 2017)
Ford, Lynda

Transform Your Workplace: 52 Proven Strategies to Motivate, Energize, and Kick Productivity up to the Next Level
(McGraw-Hill: 2005)
Friedman, Susan

Meeting & Event Planning for Dummies
(John Wiley & Sons: 2003)
Glen, Paul

Leading Geeks
(Jossey-Bass/Pfeiffer: 2002)
Gardner, David

Mass Customization: An Enterprise-Wide Business Strategy
(HappyAbout: 2009)
Gray, Patrick

Breakthrough IT: Supercharging Organizational Value through Technology
(John Wiley & Sons: 2007)
Harkness, Ph.D., Helen

Capitalizing on Career Chaos: Bringing Creativity and Purpose to Your Work and Life
(Davies-Black: 2005)

The Career Chase: Taking Creative Control in a Chaotic Age
(Davies-Black: 1997)

Don’t Stop the Career Clock: Rejecting the Myths of Aging for a New Way to Work in the 21st Century
(Davies-Black: 1999)
Hartnett, Rob

Small Business, Big Opportunity – Winning the right customers through smart marketing and advertising
(Sensis: 2006)
Henman, Linda

Landing in the Executive Chair: How to Excel in the Hot Seat
(Career Press: 2011)

The Merger Mindset
(Routledge: 2018)
Hick, Michael

Global Deals: Marketing and Managing Across Cultural Frontiers
(Skyward Publishing: 2003)
Jones, Diana

Leadership Material: How Personal Experience Shapes Executive Presence
(Nicholas Brealey publishing. Boston. London: 2017)
Kahan, Seth

Getting Change Right: How Leaders Transform Organizations from the Inside Out
(Jossey-Bass, 2010)
Kutner, Ph.D., Lawrence

Grand Theft Childhood: The Surprising Truth About Violent Video Games and What Parents Can Do
(Simon and Schuster: 2008)

Making Sense of Your Teenager
(New York: William Morrow & Co., Reprinted in trade softcover by Avon books: 1998)

Your School-Age Child
(William Morrow & Co., Reprinted in trade softcover by Avon Books: 1997)

Toddlers And Preschoolers
(William Morrow & Co., Reprinted in trade softcover by Avon Books: 1995)

Pregnancy And Your Baby’s First Year
(William Morrow & Co., Reprinted in trade softcover by Avon Books: 1994)

Parent & Child: Getting Through To Each Other
(William Morrow & Co., Reprinted in trade softcover by Avon Books: 1992)
Levy, Mark

Accidental Genius: Revolutionize Your Thinking Through Private Writing
(Berrett-Koehler: 2000)

Magic for Dummies
(with David Pogue, Hungry Minds: 1998)

Tricks with Your Head: Hilarious Magic Tricks and Stunts to Disgust and Delight
(with Mac King, Crown: 2002)
Lieberman, Simma

Putting Diversity to Work
(with George Simons and Kate Berardo, Crisp: 2003)
Lonier, Terri

The Frugal Entrepreneur: Creative Ways to Save Time, Energy, and Money in Your Business
(Portico Press: 1996)

The Small Business Money Guide
(with Lisa M. Aldisert, John Wiley & Sons: 1999)

Smart Strategies for Growing Your Business
(John Wiley & Sons: 1999)

Working Solo: The Real Guide to Freedom and Financial Success with Your Own Business
(second edition, John Wiley & Sons: 1998)

Working Solo Sourcebook: Essential Resources for Independent Entrepreneurs
(second edition, John Wiley & Sons: 1998)
López, Oriol

El Empresario Proactivo (The Proactive Entrepreneur): Improve your results by helping your clients
(Profit Editorial: 2017)

Crece y prospera (Grow and Thrive): Accelerate your results, add more value and leave legacy
(Profit Editorial: 2019)
Markovitz, Daniel

A Factory of One: Applying Lean Principles To Banish Waste and Improve Your Personal Performance
(Productivity Press: 2011)

Building the Fit Organization: Six core principles for making your company stronger, faster, and more competitive
(McGraw-Hill: 2015)
Matuson, Roberta

Suddenly in Charge: Managing Up, Managing Down, Succeeding All Around
(Nicholas Brealey: 2011)
Maurer, Rick

Beyond the Wall of Resistance
(Bard Press: 1996)

Why Don’t You Want What I Want?
(Bard Press: 2002)
McDermott, Lynda

World Class Teams: Working Across Borders
(Wiley: 1998)

Caught in the Middle/How to Survive & Thrive in Today’s Management Squeeze
(Prentice Hall: 1994)
Muntean, Christian

Conflict and Leadership: How to Harness Conflict and Create Better Leaders and Build Thriving Teams
(Business Expert Press: 2018)
Nirell, Lisa

Energize Growth NOW: The Marketing Guide to a Wealthy Company
(Wiley: 2009)
Patterson, Gary

The Fiscal Fitness System: Understanding Balance Sheets, Income Statements, and Cash Flow
(Made for Success Collection: 2011)
Pay, Rick

1 + 1 = 100 Achieving Breakthrough Results Through Partnerships
(Business Expert Press: 2017)
Poll, Ed

Growing Your Law Practice in Tough Times
(West: 2010)

The Successful Lawyer–Banker Relationship
(LawBiz® Management, Co.: 2006)

More Secrets of the Business of Law®
(LawBiz® Management, Co.: 2006)

Business Competency for Lawyers: A Lawbiz® Management Special Report
(LawBiz® Management, Co.: 2006)

Selling Your Law Practice: The Profitable Exit Strategy
(LawBiz® Management Co.: 2005)

Collecting Your Fee: Getting Paid, From Intake to Invoice
(American Bar Association: 2003)

Attorney & Law Firm Guide to The Business of Law: Planning and Operating for Survival and Growth, Second Edition
(American Bar Association: 2003)

Secrets of the Business of Law®: Successful Practices for Increasing Your Profits!
(LawBiz® Management, Co.: 1998)

The Profitable Law Office Handbook: Attorney’s Guide to Successful Business Planning
(LawBiz®Management, Co.: 1996)
Popky, Linda

Marketing Above the Noise: Achieve Strategic Advantage with Marketing that Matters
(Bibliomotion: 2015)
Post, Karen

Brain Tattoos, Creating Unique Brands That Stick to your Customers’ Minds
(AMACOM 2004)
Pozzo, Heidi

Leading the High-Performing Company: A Transformational Guide to Growing Your Business and Outperforming the Competition
(Business Expert Press: 2018)
Quelle, Prof. Dr., Guido

Profitabel wachsen: Wie Sie interne Bremsen lösen und Ihrem Unternehmen neuen Schub geben
(Gabler-Verlag, Springer Fachmedien: 2011)
Rhoads, Chris “CJ”

Entrepreneur’s Guide To Managing Information Technology
(Greenwood-Praeger: 2008)

Microsoft Office 2007 In Business
(Prentice Hall: 2007)

Communicating with Microsoft Word 2007 In Business
(Prentice Hall: 2007)
Richman, Mark

Professional XML Web Services
(Wrox Press: 2001)
Richmond, Sharon Lebovitz

Introduction to Type and Leadership
(CPP, Inc.: 2008)
Savage, Steve

Guerrilla Business Secrets: 58 Ways to Start, Build, and Sell Your Business
(Morgan James Publishing: 2009)
Shapiro, Stephen

24/7 Innovation: A Blueprint for Surviving and Thriving in an Age of Change
(McGraw-Hill: 2002)
Silverman, George

The Secrets of Word-of-Mouth Marketing: How to Trigger Exponential Sales through Runaway Word-of-Mouth
(Amacom: 2001)
Smith, Leif, H., Psy.D.

Sports Psychology for Dummies
(John Wiley and Sons: 2010)
Sobel, Andrew

All for One: 10 Strategies for Building Trusted Client Partnerships
(John Wiley & Sons, 2009)

Clients for Life: Evolving from an Expert for Hire to an Extraordinary Advisor
(with Jagdish Sheth, Simon & Schuster: 2000)

Making Rain: The Secrets of Building Lifelong Client Loyalty
(John Wiley & Sons: 2003)
Thompson, Barbara

Weight Loss Surgery for Dummies
(Wiley: 2005)
Trochlil, Wes

Put Your Data to Work: 52 Tips and Techniques for Effectively Managing Your Database
(ASAE: 2009)
Wagner, Libby

Put Your Data to Work: 52 Tips and Techniques for Effectively Managing Your Database
(ASAE: 2009)
Wilkerson, Kim

The Language of Success: The Confidence and Ability to Say What You Mean and Mean What You Say in Business and Life
(Business Expert Press: 2015)
Willett, Alan

Leading the Unleadable: How to Manage Mavericks, Cynics, Divas, and Other Difficult People
(AMACOM: 2016)
Yastrow, Steve

Brand Harmony: Achieving Dynamic Results by Orchestrating Your Customer's Total Experience
(Tom Peters Company Press/Select Books: 2003)