There is no greater example of a failed political strategy than this election since Truman defeated Dewey in the 1950s and newspapers, to catch the early edition, actually printed headlines with Dewey as the winner!
Get Over It
It's rather amazing when people who believe they are morally superior because they have a differing opinion from yours lose an election and blame it on people who "aren't as educated" and are "low class." This is the moral blindness
Not voting is not a protest. It is a surrender. —Keith Ellison
Leave the Country and See If Anyone Notices
What level of arrogance does it take for "celebrities" to announce that they will leave the country if their candidate isn't elected/ Who the hell cares? Alec Baldwin kept promising that, but never left, and we're the poorer for it. Bon
Political Thought (or Thoughtless) Patterns
You're entitled to your political opinions and, of course, your choice of candidates. From a logical, critical thinking perspective, I do have a question: If the Democrats' position is that Trump is so clearly, toxically evil, then how can they
An Observation on Political Strategy
This is not a political comment or endorsement of any kind. (I have to say that these days!) It IS a strategic statement, because I don't understand the Democratic strategy at this point in the campaign. I once had James
And My Next Guest Is….
So we've reached a point where TV and radio talk-show hosts can use their networks' and sponsors' money (which originated as our money) to host and support political candidates of their personal favored views on the air?
The Political Beggars
These candidates texting us for money who are running for election in other states seem, to me, essentially too stupid to serve in office. Don't they realize: That they sound desperate, as if they don't have sufficient support in their
Form A Line on the Right for Job Applications. We’ll Get Back to You.
I tried to name three world governmental leaders I truly respect and trust within ten seconds, and I couldn't do it. Then I tried to name ten prominent government or business leaders in the US whom I would prefer to vote
Adding Some Facts
Does anyone realize that the minimum wage laws in the US were created to provide people with some income while they sought better work, or education, or brief departures from the normal work force? They were never intended to provide