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December 25, 2024

December 25, 2024

December 25, 2024

Episode 376 | December 25, 2024

December 25, 2024

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Alan Weiss PhD

Meet Your Host, Alan Weiss

Alan Weiss is one of those rare people who can say he is a consultant, speaker, and author and mean it.

His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients such as Merck, Hewlett-Packard, GE, Mercedes-Benz, State Street Corporation, Times Mirror Group, The Federal Reserve, The New York Times Corporation, Toyota, and over 500 other leading organizations. He has served on several boards of directors in various capacities.

His prolific publishing includes over 500 articles and 60 books, including his best-seller, Million Dollar Consulting (from McGraw-Hill) now in its 30th year and sixth edition. His newest is Your Legacy is Now: Life is not about a search for meaning but the creation of meaning (Routledge, 2021). His books have been on the curricula at Villanova, Temple University, and the Wharton School of Business, and have been translated into 15 languages.

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Show Notes

These are times of astounding incivility, harassment, and dismissiveness.

These acts are based on a posturing of moral superiority, as if mere disagreement denotes an inferior being.

There is a line in Morris West’s The Navigator that states: “And that’s the terror of the high place and the high man. Is it God he hears or the echo of his own mad shouting?” Hillary Clinton most probably sealed her election defeat with the observation that those who would vote for her opponent were the “deplorables.” This time, it was Joe Biden calling Trump supporters “garbage.” The arrogance of such statements and such positions is appalling. I’m not taking a political position, but rather a social one: We understandably reject people who feel our opinion is not to be respected but immediately rejected because it originates in some lower intelligence.

But we are mostly filled with hubris. We live in an indeterminate universe, acting as if we understand infinity, light years, and black holes. We know virtually nothing of its origins or nature. (A “big bang” before which there was nothing? “Nothing” has no meaning if there isn’t “something to which to compare it.) When praised for discovering universal laws of the cosmos, Einstein replied, “Yes, but the question is really who made the laws? 

During a recent scientific journey in Peru’s Alto Mayo region in the Amazon rain forest, researchers identified 27 new species of animals and indications of another 48, all previously unknown to science. And, of course, we have very little idea of what lives in the abysmal depths of the great oceans.

We do know that we live on a hunk of rock speeding through a vacuum at 85,000 miles per hour, around an exploding star. Don’t tell me you have no faith.

I’m not proselytizing, not suggesting a belief in a deity is required, though I would remind everyone that absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. I am suggesting that the arrogant, polarizing behaviors extant in the land are basically caused by low esteem, the fear of trying to confront the unknowable, and the comfort of kidding ourselves that we truly understand the arcane solar systems and galaxies. 

A little humility might go a long way this holiday season, and it just may be developed and instantiated during this time of purported tolerance and forgiveness, of presents given and received, and of church bells ringing and choirs singing, “Joy to the World.”

From Maria and me, my friends, whatever your beliefs, in the true spirit underlying it: 

Merry Christmas!

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Alan Weiss’s The Uncomfortable Truth® is a weekly broadcast from “The Rock Star of Consulting,” Alan Weiss, who holds forth with his best (and often most contrarian) ideas about society, culture, business, and personal growth. His 60+ books in 12 languages, and his travels to, and work in, 50 countries contribute to a fascinating and often belief-challenging 20 minutes that might just change your next 20 years.

Introduction to the show recorded by Connie Dieken