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For some time, people who are veterans of my communities and events have asked for “special time” with others they believe are at their particular level of success and career progression, and with me, personally. I’ve tried to provide that with a variety of offerings and intimate experiences, but I think it’s time to formalize the opportunity for those who have garnered the learning and experiences requisite to grow dramatically—personally and professionally—within small groups.

I’ve consulted with people globally on needs and preferences, and I’ve studied what some others are doing who have strong brands, long-time relationships, and requests for more intimate growth experiences. I’ve tried to synthesize what I’ve learned and heard with my unique communities and my own strengths.

Anticipated Questions:

Can I move from one program to the other?

Yes, if there is room and I feel there is a good fit with the new group. You may pay any difference in fee, or have your membership extended in return for additional fees you’ve paid.

Does this include programs with other membership requirements, for example Million Dollar Club or Mentor Hall of Fame meetings?

It does if the individual otherwise qualifies or is invited to such programs.

Can I pay in installments?

At most, two installments, but half must be paid on enrollment and the balance no more than 60 days later. There are no cancellations under any circumstances. You cannot “freeze” your membership. You may join at any time, since it is a rolling twelve month membership.

What happens if I can’t make all the meetings or calls?

I anticipate that many people won’t be able to do everything, which is why there is so much offered, including free downloads. It’s not my expectation that you will engage in every single offering, since this is about quality and personal growth, not quantity. However, I would urge that the private days with me be used with discipline. There are also free downloads of all calls.

Would this take the place of a mastermind group?

I’d certainly never advise you leave a group that is working for you. However, it seems to me that some of the people in these particular groups of twelve or sixteen are logical partners for you, both in mastermind meetings and as accountability partners.

Will I have any input about who is in my group?

Yes, you can both recommend names to me and/or provide feedback about new applicants. But there is no “veto” power and I’ll decide who makes sense in which group.

You’ve listed maximums, but is there a minimum for a group to be formed?

Yes, four people is my absolute minimum. I’ve chosen that number because it enables four people (or more) to come together and form their own small group, and I will honor a request to keep the group confined to those members. And any mastermind group would normally require at least four people to create proper dynamics.

Will this be duplicative of experiences such as the Million Dollar Club?

I certainly hope not. The Million Dollar Club, as an example, has a unique dynamic of meeting once a year in exotic places, sharing rare meals and recreational opportunities, and welcoming spouses and significant others. I have provided for a reduction in the Million Dollar Club membership for people who choose these programs, but my observation is that the experience is singular.

Why did you do this?

There have been a lot of requests for more individualized learning and growth as the community has become more sophisticated. And it’s another step in my own, ongoing reinvention.