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Created and Directed
by Alan Weiss

This is a unique experience for the professional speaker who wants to become world class and depart from the crowd.


The goal is simple: To take you in two days from good to incredible, from competent to charismatic. You will be able to command a room and command fees commensurate with your presence and results.

The Experience

  • Extensive preparation work to create and gather the material, stories, examples, visuals, and support you’ll need for your speech.
  • Arrive in Providence and check in to a suite in one of three boutique, high-end hotels: The Providence Hotel (in the theater district); La Dolce Vita (on Federal Hill in Little Italy); or The Providence Renaissance (near the state house). All accommodations, meals, and local transportation are included. You need only plan on your arrival and departure from the airport.
  • Dinner with Alan is one of his favorite, extraordinary restaurants to get to know each other and to review plans for the two days ahead.
  • A full day working on content, delivery, response to questions, and stage mechanics. Your speech and its delivery will be honed throughout this day. Large issues, such as speech structure and key points, and key small issues, such as story cadence and metaphor, all will be refined. A working lunch is included, at the pool, weather permitting.
  • Dinner together to unwind and relax.
  • A consultation with an extraordinary image and grooming consultant the next morning. As appropriate, hair, makeup, grooming, and accessories will be reviewed. Hair style, makeup, accessories, grooming, and wardrobe will be selected for optimal impact. We encourage everyone to bring several alternative outfits so that our consultant can make recommendations. Then preparation time and lunch.
  • You will deliver your speech, after lunch, in a private room in Alan’s club or hotel meeting room to 25-30 people. They will be briefed on the topic and will respond accordingly. The session will be taped by professional videographers using two cameras to include audience reaction shots and questions.
  • At the conclusion, you will receive further detailed feedback, from Alan alone or with the full group, on tape or off tape, as you prefer. You will receive additional detailed notes for continuing improvement beyond the two days.
  • You will receive the DVD with your speech as well as two hours of our videographers’ editing time to create a demo video for marketing, and a brief streaming video excerpt for your web site and/or blog.
  • You will have 30 days after the session to further confer with Alan by phone and email for advice on marketing your speeches. He will also review and critique any future video you create over the next year during your normal speaking assignments.
  • You will be featured on Alan’s web site in a special area for Master Class Members to include your photo, speaking expertise, quote, testimonial, video clip, and all contact information.

The Outcome

You will emerge with a great speech, techniques that match your personality and topic, and the support of powerful stories, examples, and metaphors. You will have the optimal personal image for your stage work and the knowledge to replicate it wherever you are. You will have additional publicity outlets and the potential to create many more.

In brief, you will be a powerful, professional speaker, whether for keynotes, concurrent sessions, or workshops.

The Investment

The Master Class is scheduled by application only and mutual decision about compatibility and readiness. Each individual chooses his or her days to participate. You must allow enough time to complete the preparation work. This is always a private session, one person the sole focus of the experience.

The Master Class fee is $35,000, and includes everything except your travel to and from Providence. We will arrange for a limo to pick you up on your arrival and you need make no other plans. The fee may be paid in installments after a $5,000 non-refundable (but full-credit) deposit. You may take a 10% discount for full payment in advance ($31,500). (In the event of your need to cancel and reschedule, there is no penalty and no time limit, subject only to mutually agreeable schedules.)

Obviously, this can only be done on a limited basis, but can usually be done to suit your schedule, and even juxtaposed with an actual, approaching speaking event that can be used as the subject matter for the experience.


Contact Us or call (800)766-7935 or (401)884-2778