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“If you're a solo consultant, no doubt you know the name Alan Weiss. Maybe you have one of his books, follow him on social media or have attended a webinar. However, nothing replicates the in-person experience. I recently attended a one-day session with Alan in New York, with him at the helm and immersed with a small group of peers, we had an impromptu lesson about resilience, participated in roleplays and walked away with insights that could be applied immediately in my work. If the opportunity arises for you to be in person with Alan, jump on it!”

– Raj Dhiman, Co-Founder

Retail Strategy Group

“I graciously received thanks from everyone in Atlanta on your presentation. It was far beyond even my high expectations. My grandmother, who never had indoor plumbing or electric, taught me the value of faith. My college debate coach taught me how to listen and persuade. Alan, Over the past two decades you have taught me how to think, I will be forever grateful.”

– Barry Banther CMC, CSP,CPAE


“I found out about him(Alan) when he was a guest on Noah Kagan’s podcast. When he hosted a 2-day conference on growing a consulting business in NYC, I had to go. I paid $6,500 + my travel and accommodation. That’s about $6,480 more than I’ve ever paid for an event or learning. It was worth every penny and more. He was able to convince me that I could build a successful consulting business without employees while generating more revenue and having less stress. It was a 2-day workshop and the first day, I was following along, but I’m not going to lie, I was a little lost and almost didn’t believe him. I couldn’t possibly figure out how to employ his “rich, solo practitioner, increased revenue, and enjoying your life” approach. I think it was the last few hours of the workshop of the second day, that I really came around to it. Now, that sounds like a pipe dream. But, shit, his teaching worked. I took action items on a few things, and I’ve seen a significant impact on my business and life. I HIGHLY recommend him. ”

– Robbie Abed

Executive Ghostwriter, Marketer, Author and Contributing Writer for Inc Magazine

“I’m writing to say that when I heard your interview with Noah Kagan on Saturday, I was blown away and immediately stopped hiking and began taking notes. I Googled you on the way home (at red stoplights, I’m not an idiot), bought one of your books when I got home and have devoured every word. I’m a NY Times bestselling author turned publisher who’s been studying business and marketing for years but have found what I’ve learned from you (in just a few hours) more useful than what I’ve learned over the past few years. So thank you, sincerely, for that.”

– Anna David


“Alan, I just wanted to say thank you for all the good stuff you put into the world. I receive close to 100 newsletters on some random rotation on various subjects, and I can honestly say that yours are all by far the most likely to make me think or more appropriately RE-think my position. And you achieve this feat on a consistent basis. Additionally, your books are part of a very short selection that I return to time and time again. Your Million Dollar Consulting book is probably my most gifted book of any book regardless of the person’s trade. So many gems for so many applications. So, thank you for all you do.”

– Ashby Daniels

“After generating more than $60,000 alone on Alan’s ideas, returning for another six months was an easy decision. And I’ll be back for a third time, soon!”

Vickie Sullivan

Sullivan Speaker Services

“Alan helped me to shift my perception of the value I provide to clients and change my business model to boost my firm’s profitability. He’s very smart and quick, with a well-developed flair for marketing and promotion. He’s been an enormous resource, and the value created far exceeds the fees paid and time invested. I’ve re-enrolled in the program.”

Nick Miller

Clarity Advantage Corp.

“Alan helped me increase my revenue by 40%, just two-thirds of the way through our time together. We corresponded by e-mail from all over the world with great efficiency.”

Ione Dean

Ione Dean Consulting Group

“Alan Weiss always exceeds our expectations. Our association with Summit Consulting Group provides excellent returns on our consulting investment.”

Mary J. Haymore

Allergan, Inc.

“The Innovation Formula offers a rational, sensible approach that can help any organization become more comfortable with change, and more important, to profit from it.”

Robert D. Kennedy

Union Carbide

“You certainly helped us rekindle our planning effort-our sessions were invaluable to the entire staff. You’ve helped to make our organization a stronger and more humane one.”

Ruth S. Walters

Office of Business Permits and Regulatory Assistance State of New York

“Your presentation skills are among the best I’ve ever seen here. We are looking forward to a long-term relationship.”

Pat Scott

General Electric

“Alan Weiss is a phenomenal speaker. It was our best-ever program with a large advance registration-too large for the facility.”

John J. Gibson

Central Illinois Employers Association

“On a scale of 1-10, our participants gave you an overall rating of 9.7, which is simply outstanding. Your keynote speech helped make the conference a success, and made us all look good with the members.”

Jack Morrell

Credit Union League of Massachusetts

“We consider Summit Consulting Group one of the first to contact when we need, or choose to use, external consulting services. We have had a long relationship dealing with a variety of issues and activities for over a decade.”

Arthur F. Strohmer, Jr.

Merck & Co., Inc.

“Talk about return on investment. I felt I got my tuition back from the preparation work alone. My change in presentation for two new clients provided a fee more in line with the value I was delivering, and covered the entire college investment. In addition, the College allowed me to dramatically change my business model.”

Gary Patterson

Million Dollar Consulting® College Graduate

“A fabulous five days…filed with unlimited hard-driving, highly actionable, highly valued outcomes. Your intense focus on the growth of my practice, which began with your ‘Good morning, Joe’ on the first day, was so personally empowering. Your five-day college will bring to me a lifetime of measurable growth. Thank you so much!”

Joe White

Million Dollar Consulting® College Graduate

“I recently received the framed diploma and our ‘class’ photo. Thank you very much! I also wanted to reiterate to you how valuable and significant the Consulting College was for me. What previous graduates have said about the experience being ‘life changing’ is absolutely true; and as a previous participant in the Mentor Programme, I feel I’ve gained even more value since our previous work has really paved the way for what I found to be a quite profound experience. Since that week, everything about my business looks different;. I have a clarity and feeling of confidence that I’ve not had before. Better yet, the results are tangible – since the college, I’ve had two proposals accepted for amounts outside of the originally stated budgets. Thank you for so generously sharing your experience, knowledge and wisdom with me.”

Jennifer Smokevitch

Roundtable Consulting Partners

“Your magic and my perseverance have paid off. It is about eight weeks after I took your remarkable class, and I closed the biggest deal of my professional career. It is a global branding assignment for a $50 billion computer company. Your seminar inspired me. Thanks again, and may I take you to lunch or dinner next time you are in NYC?”

Gene Seidman

President OptonLine

“I met a man today who modeled a special something, Alan Weiss. He doesn’t worry about what other people think of him. He tells the truth. He doesn’t worry about offending people. Some people deserve to be offended, he says, and he certainly doesn’t worry about doing “great things” with his life. His goal in life is to relax and enjoy life. His goal in life is to love his wife and children. If how he makes his living supports that, AND he can do it ethically, morally, and with a spirit of service, that’s enough.”

Shary Raske

The Corporate Muse

“I started my successful business ten years ago. The knowledge I have gained from your books and tapes has helped me get past my current plateau! I wish I had found out about you sooner before I wasted money on advice from other, less experienced business coaches.”

Wayne McKinnon

Principal, ITcoach.com

“You were the number one choice on our “hit parade” of sought-after speakers by those making six and seven figures in the profession. No one else was close.”

Christine Sexter

Expert Career Development Training

“You can add me to your testimonials–since working with you for three months in the Mentor Program, I’ve taken in checks nearing the total of my last three years!”

Don Vlcek

President, Vlcek and Associates

“A week-long investment with a lifetime of return. Not only was the content beneficial, but he opportunity to test ideas, worth through exercises, and generally network with those of similar practices was invaluable.”

Leslie Furlow

Million Dollar Consulting® College Graduate

“You can read Alan Weiss’s books and listen to his CDs; however, they pale in comparison to the Million Dollar Consulting® College experience. Additional value springs from elite professional peers. They reward you with their input, their follow-up, and the referrals of new business sources. Bring your high expectations to the college–they will be exceeded.”

Keith McLeod

Million Dollar Consulting® College Graduate

“Just doing the prep work for Speaking with Alan helped me to close a personal best speaking fee, weeks before the actual workshop! It’s a great experience that I recommend to anyone who wants to improve the value they provide and earn as a professional speaker.”

C. David Gammel

High Context Consulting

“Here are a few of the outcomes I gained from attending Speaking with Alan: a solid speech and a plan to market it, a template for developing future speeches, an incredible support group, and the confidence that I have a valuable message that others will pay to hear.”

Pat Lynch, Ph.D.

Business Alignment Strategies, Inc.

“Speaking with Alan is a once in a lifetime experience. As a result of this program, I am now able to prepare a keynote in two hours instead of the two weeks it used to take me. Thanks to you, I have the tools I need to take my speaking to the next level. Thank you Alan!”

Roberta Matuson

Human Resource Solutions

“Many thanks for helping me take my speaking to the next level. You created a safe environment for us to experiment with new material, share constructive feedback, and learn more about marketing. I highly recommend Speaking With Alan to those who are committed to continuously improving their effectiveness, revenue, and profitability.”

Pamela S. Harper

Business Advancement Inc.

“In just 2.5 days I was able to turn an idea into a top notch keynote speech. Tons of fun, and tons of value.”

John Weathington

Excellent Management Systems, Inc.

“It’s been 3 years since I read Million Dollar Consulting. At the time I was a very burned out, frustrated, and financially-challenged therapist, stuck in a managed care vacuum, who saw no possibility to escaping the confining practice I was stuck within. Since that time, with your wisdom and counsel, I have transformed my life and business to something that is unrecognizable and far beyond anything I imagined. As I prepare to close this week on the purchase of a new home that will bless my wife and children as well as myself for being able to provide it, I feel a deep sense of gratitude to you for the role you played in this achievement. Just several weeks ago, I was sitting in a large boardroom presenting to the top executives at Kaiser Permanente competing for a very desirable contract with enormous potential for sustained business. I was competing with several larger firms and more experienced consultants. Armed with a proposal designed from your coaching and empowered with the ability to push back against powerful executives from your many helpful anecdotes, I launched into an important 20- minute overview of my design for their executive development initiative. At the end, from a mile across the board room table, an aggressive challenge came right at me: “So, doc, there’s a lot of talented people who do what you do. Why should we hire you?” I thought of you in that moment! I retorted, “Glad you asked. Let me give you three reasons why you want to do business with me and what distinguishes my work…” I confidently offered my value proposition and the reasons why working with an independent is more advantageous than the big firms. The client called me two hours later and asked if I would be their consultant! Today, I am transitioning robustly to full time consulting doing work I love with interesting people who are intent on making a difference in the world. I have increased my income five-fold since that day I discovered your book and am able to provide a wonderful lifestyle to my family”

Jay Kent-Ferraro, Ph.D., MBA

Empowerment Technologies, Inc.

“Speaking With Alan is a unique experience that combines Alan’s deep understanding and experience of professional speaking, his ability to turn that experience into practical, learnable skills, the opportunity to develop and practice your own keynote speech under Alan’s guidance and the chance to try out some truly great red wines! As a result I have gone from a virtual standing start to having a value-added speech, a focused marketing plan, a robust model for creating future speeches and a taste for vintage Chateau Talbot.”

Stuart Cross

Morgan Cross Consulting

” Only twice in memory have I found myself on the wrong road, heading in the wrong direction, miles from where I am supposed to be. Most recently, last Thursday, after 2.5 days of intensive learning at Alan Weiss’ “Speaking with Alan,” I was so engrossed in thought, digesting the things I had learned, thinking about what I wanted to do first, that I found myself on I-95 practically in Boston before I realized I was not heading west on the Pike. The other time, you ask? Well, that was the last time I attended one of Alan’s workshops. Great learning is energizing AND very distracting!”

Ann Latham

Uncommon Clarity, Inc.

“Alan, many thanks for the time and attention to detail for our in person 0-300 in Providence. I came for a review and left with much more. You know from the statistics that we pre-sent before the program that 2008 had been a difficult year for us. With all our efforts, creativity and innovation we were not hitting the mark with our prospects and ecommerce efforts. The two days in Providence ended up being much more than a review for me. It become a reinvigoration of thought and effort toward the effective part of running my business. It is always nice to have a nice ending to new learning and I am pleased to say that we booked a $47,000.00 project this morning as a direct result of my shifting my thinking and adding some of the key aspects from the case study and proposal writing work we did during the 2 days together. I also did not charge what I would have charged in 2008. I doubled it. The client did not blink and was delighted with what we will accomplish together. So…many thanks for taking your ever thinking brain cells and putting them into to usable form for the 34 of us that attended. The networking was terrific, the logistics could not have been better and the information I was open to learning and applying has set my confidence meter on high.”

Natalie R. Manor

Natalie Manor & Associates

“Alan’s 0-300K workshop paid immediate dividends for me. Within three weeks of completing it, I had a new agreement with a national company which returned my investment three-fold. The strategies, techniques, and role-playing lessons will impact my business for years to come. In addition, I learned ways to improve my life and made great new friends. The workshop was one of the best life decisions I’ve ever made.”

Dan Weedin

President Toro Consulting, Inc.

“Alan…yesterday, your superb consulting advice helped me secure a $60,000 sale which in all likelihood will become $240,000 considering its lifetime value! Thank you for being my mentor”

Chris Patterson

Chief Executive Officer Interchanges.com

“Thank you for a mind-blowing, life-shaking week. The Million Dollar Consulting® College is the best professional training I’ve ever participated in over the last 15 years, and it’s exactly what I needed right now. I know you don’t need my compliment to feel good about it, but I offer it anyway. It was a tremendous program in so many ways. It’s going to change not only my life, but the lives of many others—my wife, my community, my assistant, my subcontractors—and, oh yeah, my clients. ‘Thank you’ is insufficient to express my appreciation, but it’s the best I have for now.”

David Martin

Spanda Group

“I have three master’s degrees and a doctorate. These degrees were obtained at great effort, time, expense, and energy.” “I have just graduated from Alan Weiss’s Million Dollar Consulting® College. In terms of showing me how to provide value in my life and the lives of others, this experience was of more value than any of my degrees.” “Let me amend that: It was more valuable than all of them put together.”

Dr. Sally Wright

Alliance Consulting

“I’ve listened to Alan Weiss speak three times, and I was extremely impressed three times. This third time was by far the greatest day of speaking I’ve ever attended. For Alan to give his time and share his expertise for nothing more than a donation to one of his favorite charities is, indeed, extremely impressive. And I certainly was impressed. So that’s why I am saying that if you have never had an opportunity to listen to Alan Weiss speak and you pass up an opportunity to hear Alan Weiss speak, you are crazy. That’s right. If you’ve never heard Alan speak, and pass up a chance to hear him speak, then you’re crazy. If you have not heard Alan Weiss speak yet, make sure that you do. Alan possesses two of the qualities that I most value: genuineness and sincerity. Alan is genuine and sincere. He keeps it real”

Steven David


“I Just wanted to say that when you came down to DC I was in the audience. As I listened to you speak, I was exceedingly impressed with how your mind works. Your recall and sharp analysis of questions were pure magic. And I was in New Orleans when you spoke as well, which is why I came to the DC session. I thought of you in terms of your PR. Just reading that, I thought, “Here is an accomplished consultant who knows how to market.” When I heard you in New Orleans on the big stage, I thought, “Here is a man who has a huge staff and knows an awful lot about what he does.” But when I heard you in DC in the more intimate setting, I thought not of the “salesman,” not of the “consultant,” and not of the “speaker”—I thought, “Here is a person with a brilliant mind, and though he knows how to sell, he is truly unpretentious. You do justice to the profession of speaking and you are truly a great symbol of what we should do with our learning. And it was good to learn that you ARE your huge support staff!”

Bill Grimmette

Gambrillis, MD

“The day after resigning from my former firm, I called Alan Weiss. He has helped me every step of the way for the past 5 1/2 years. By my estimate, my revenue would be about 25% of what its is without his advice.”

Constance Dierickx, PhD

CD Consulting