Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/1/15
This week’s focus point: A lot of people are complaining that’s it’s been a tough year. Too cold. Too hot. Too wet. Too dry. Business is off. Technology is hurting us. Bad breaks. High taxes. Long commutes. Difficult travel. I watched one of our snapping turtles lay eggs this morning, in a thousands-of-years-old manner, scooping out a hole, laying the eggs, covering them, laboriously getting back to the water. Most of the eggs will be eaten or destroyed. Sometimes all will be. Yet we’ve had at least three snappers here for the 30 years I’ve been here, and I doubt they are endangered. They carve out a home and do what they have to do. The inability of an animal to complain, sue, or file a grievance is a wonderful gift. Perhaps we should give more emphasis to our reptilian brain.
Monday Morning Perspective: Happiness must be beyond, or the fire will not burn as brightly as it might–the urge will not be great enough to make a great success. — Theodore Dreiser
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