Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/8/13
April 8, 2013—Issue #185
This week’s focus point: Very often I say to a coaching client struggling with an obstacle, “What would you advise one of YOUR clients to do?” They respond quickly with good advice, and I ask, “Why don’t you do the same thing?” (This is why I make the big bucks!) We’re more confident advising others than making decisions for ourselves. That’s because we’re confident we can guide the client, make mid-course corrections, and reduce risk. But we see our personal decisions as world-changing and momentous. We need to trust ourselves more. Understand that most decisions are changeable, modifiable, even reversible without making headlines. After all, if you trust those drivers doing 70 miles per hour on the interstate, or the dentist with a drill in hand, or the trainer holding weights over your head–you ought to be able to trust yourself.
Monday Morning Perspective: I envy those people who truly understand that life is a fragile bargain, rescindable at any time by the other party, and live their lives accordingly. — Joseph Epstein, “A Line Out for A Walk”
Consulting College: Still time to participate in this unique growth experience:
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