Alan Weiss’s
Advisory Suite
Build your business and improve your life with expert advice

Elite Coaching (KAATN: Kick Ass and Take Names)
One-on-one weekly calls for seven months, 30-40 minutes per call with unrestricted access to me during that tenure by email, Zoom, and/or phone. This includes specific assignments against major goals (e.g., write a book, enter larger markets, create passive income materials. etc.). All sessions can be taped. $17,000.
Concierge Coaching
One year of individual coaching with weekend or evening work included if required, with unrestricted access to me during that tenure by email, Zoom, and/or phone. Free entry into any two of my workshops during this period. Any ten books included from my bookstore. Two in-person meetings during the year, including dinner and a half-day of coaching at my home. You get to board the plane first! $25,000.
The Den
Designed for one-on-one work that includes counseling and issues of both professional and personal nature. This might be lack of family support, financial problems, lack of confidence, difficult clients, and so forth. This is for 60 days, weekly Zoom or phone calls of 45 minutes. $4,500.
Situational Consulting
The proverbial “pick my brain” session on a particular project or client that you need to resolve. One hour in total, may be taped, may be split into two calls. $2,500.
Night and Day
Fly or drive over, have dinner with me and then three hours of coaching the next morning on any topics, strategic or tactical, that are important to you. Sessions can be recorded. $6,500.
The Unicorn Card
I will coach you for five years on an unrestricted basis, and you can have free entry into all of my events and subscriptions and remote sessions (for which you qualify, e.g., you have to be a member of my Hall of Fame to attend it). In return I receive 10% of monthly revenues from all sources (except family gifts or lottery winnings or law suits!) with a minimum payment of $1,500 per month.
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Growth Cycles
Four-to-eight people meet as frequently as they choose remotely and with me remotely twice a month. One in-person meeting with me yearly. Topics are chosen by the group and time is reserved for Q&A. This includes ongoing access to me by email for questions related to the group topics. You can also create a private board for the group on $10,000 annually.
Monthly Group Coaching
Monthly meetings with adjusted time frames for global participation, recorded and circulated to all participants as well. This is for 10-15 people with a 90-minute call on a regular monthly schedule. Recorded and circulated. This will include some “fishbowl coaching.” One year in duration. $6,000 annually.
The Quarterly Insights
I’m providing four, hour-long Zoom sessions on current trends, my predictions, innovative marketing ideas, and the success factors of my global community every three months. These will be recorded and distributed. You can ask “live” questions during these sessions. $1,000 annually.