Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 03/23/2020
When I've been inflicted with a flat tire on my cars, I don't know about you, but I don't stand around blaming the city, the tire manufacturer, the car dealer, or the fates. I get the tire changed one way or another. I've never found blaming people to be a route to improve my condition. The cancelled flight doesn't become re-scheduled by my cursing at United Airlines.
Even periphrastic commentary is useless: “I'm going to write a letter to the CEO!” Well, maybe so, but that still doesn't take care of the fact your internet system is down at the moment. You need to take ownership of, and accountability for, your circumstances.
I'm trying to help people by coaching, offering free opportunities (see below), patronizing local restaurants for take-out, paying in advance for services from local vendors, and trying in general to cheer people up. Because, ultimately, what happens to you is irreversible.
What the hell you do about it is all that's important.
I believe I have a personal responsibility to make a positive impact on society.—Anthony Fauci
Free livestream on Sustaining and Growing Your Business in Crisis Times: I'll address finances, current clients, marketing, working at home, remote advisory work, support systems, building your “mojo,” and much more. You can ask questions in real time, and it will also be recorded for later viewing. My contribution to you, totally free, just go here at 11 am on March 26, US eastern time: https://livestream.com/accounts/21314230/events/9036953
90-Day Coaching: I'll share best practices and help you with both professional and personal issues with a weekly call and unrestricted email. This is not a regular offering of mine, it's intended to help you not just weather the storm but to find sunny skies, and to be part of your support system. Obviously, I have limited slots, write me at [email protected] to sign up: $2,500.
Remote Sentient Strategy Training: I've created a simplified, one-day approach to setting strategy for small and medium-sized businesses and for divisions of larger businesses. A dozen people have been certified, and two have already launched the program, which is applicable for both non- and for-profits. It can be delivered remotely to clients, ideal in these times, and in person after these times return to normal. I'm holding a virtual training program for certification via Zoom. Write me for details: [email protected].
Reduced Growth Access Fee: My Growth Access platform, with well over $100,000 worth of my audio, video, workshops, texts, models, IP and so forth has been available for $5,000 for lifetime access, and I add something monthly expressly created for the platform. I'm offering it to you now for $3,500 because a great many people need these resources to sustain their businesses, and there is now time to thoroughly mine the huge content. Simply go here, ignore the actual fee, you'll only be billed $3,500: https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/growth-access/