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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/13/2020

Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 04/13/2020


One of the dangers of these times is a feeling of loss of control. We're prevented from working, dining out, meeting with others, watching sports, attending school. There are sonorous warnings in daily press briefings. Most people obey, hoping it's for the short term. Some flout the rules, believing they're somehow impervious to affliction. And some protest, believing that we are overreacting and causing more economic death than medical death.

What I do know, and what I see and experience, is that we have more control than we might otherwise think. We have technology to stay in touch, to attend school, to work, and to learn what truth we can. We're able to do favors for neighbors, for first-responders, and for extended family. We can support local businesses with take-out food, groceries, pre-paying memberships, promptly paying bills, donating to the arts, and tipping exceedingly well.

And we can improve ourselves. Get to the book you always wanted to read (or write). Engage in our hobbies (it's astounding how few people invest in their own fun), spend quality time with the family. We control our lives, to the impressive extent that we're willing to sacrifice in order to help others.

I happen to be a man of faith. Easter is about the potential for triumph over our sins. Passover is about freedom from bondage. No matter what you believe, I wish you health and peace and the abundance I think is yet to come. We're not taking a leap into the unknown, we're walking in what light we have.


That is one good thing about this world, there are always sure to be more springs.—Lucy Maude Montgomery

StratCom, This Thursday, April 16: How to set strategy as an independent consultant in post-crisis times to ensure your growth and prosperity. Whatever you were doing before has to be altered or even radically changed. Join a small group on a livestream broadcast to learn what you have to examine and how to make the changes now. Contact me to register: [email protected] $1,000 for the session, $1,500 includes 90 days of support. Limited participation, a few openings remain.

New, 90-Day Coaching: I’ll share best practices and help you with both professional and personal issues with a weekly call and unrestricted email. This is not a regular offering of mine, it’s intended to help you not just weather the storm but to find sunny skies, and to be part of your support system. Obviously, I have limited slots, the response has been awesome, write me at [email protected] to sign up: $2,500.

Remote Sentient Strategy® Training: I’ve created a simplified, one-day approach to setting strategy for small and medium-sized businesses and for divisions of larger businesses. Two dozen people have been certified, and two have already launched the program, which is applicable for both non- and for-profits. It can be delivered remotely to clients, ideal in these times, and in person after these times return to normal. I hold periodic programs for certification via Zoom and can also prepare you one-on-one on that platform. Write me for details: [email protected]. Next certification via Zoom: April 23-24. Or set up your own schedule with me.

Reduced Growth Access Fee: My Growth Access platform, with well over $150,000 worth of my audio, video, workshops, texts, models, IP and so forth has been available for $5,000 for lifetime access, and I add something monthly expressly created for the platform. I’m offering it to you now for $3,500 because a great many people need these resources to sustain their businesses, and there is now time to thoroughly mine the huge content. Simply go here, ignore the actual fee, you’ll only be billed $3,500: https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/growth-access/ The fee is discounted through April 30.

Flying Solo, April 22: How to fly by visual flight rules (what you see) and instrument flight rules (what you can’t see but have to know about) as a professional services provider or boutique firm owner. An inexpensive ($90) livestream broadcast to understand the synergies of “free and fee,” how to overcome the loss of a buyer, how to uncover unseen potential markets, and much more. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/flying-solo/ This will help your marketing tactics immediately.


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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