Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/4/13
March 4, 2013—Issue #180
This week's focus point: The Sunday New York Times yesterday had five front page stories, four negative (mandatory cuts in spending, border struggles with Mexico, Virginia being hard hit by government cuts, JPMorgan not being fair in products it sells) and one novelty (eight-figure, seedy homes in New Delhi). It's tough to find good news unless you go to the sports page where SOMEONE has to have won! Too often, we present dismal tidings to our clients, assuming they're “damaged” and must be fixed. We ought to focus on the positive, the possible, and the purposeful. In fact, I've found that most clients ignore their own internal best practices because they are fixated on others' they're told are better. Stop being a harbinger of bad news. There's more than enough good news to go around if we look for it. That will set you apart!
Monday Morning Perspective: “…to transform hysterical misery into common unhappiness.” — Freud on the purpose of psychoanalysis
Million Dollar Consulting® College: Only one scheduled for 2013:
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