Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/29/15
This week’s focus point: I’m sure you’ve heard the apothegm, “The harder I work the luckier I get.” The hardest work for most of us is mental work. Oh, it’s rough to dig a ditch or build a foundation, no question, but it seems far more difficult for people to develop and monetize new ideas; harder to respond to a prospect’s objections; more wearying to create an outline for a new book! Physical labor is reduced and streamlined when it’s planned well and you have the right tools. The same applies to mental “labor.” Put the time aside, focus on the outcome desired, and obtain the right “tools”: coaching, technology, and research. Stop trying to dig your ditch in the rain with a rake without reason.
Monday Morning Perspective: That our national anthem is difficult to understand and hard to use should not be surprising since it was written by a lawyer (Francis Scott Key). — letter to the editor, Wall Street Journal (please maintain your sense of humor!)
25% OFF the December Million Dollar Consulting® College: Go here, only one available:
Role-play workshop: Pending a few more participants, Alan will offer his popular Role Play Workshop on Dec 15 in Providence. We need just a handful more people to take advantage of the opportunity. This will be a fabulous, high impact workshop you won¹t want to miss! Please reply to: [email protected] Hope to see you there!