Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 8/5/13
August 5, 2013—Issue #202
This week's focus point: What's the difference between play and work? I'm not talking about hours or location, but the act itself. Whenever I see a Broadway performance, I don't think of the people on stage as working, though they are making money. They seem engaged in a transcendental experience. I remember returning home once, upset that I had to make time to “work” on one of my hobbies! I dropped that hobby for ten years after that, realizing what should be comforting and pleasurable had become onerous and invasive. I try to ensure that I engage in relaxing, fun, and stimulating endeavors. The more I can find of that in my career, the better. When you can't you have to find it somewhere else. The ideal career, of course, is to find out what you're passionate about, become excellent at it, and create your business around it.
Monday Morning Perspective: I am always at a loss to know how much to believe of my own stories. — Washington irving
Rare Webinar from Alan: How to Be Provocative to Any Buyer. Discounts during August. Includes audio, video, text learning aids and 90 minute live webinar.
Common Sense Consulting Weekly Video: You can still join us for season two beginning in September, $5 a week to improve your marketing and delivery in 5 minutes a week:
In the Buyer's Office: Live streaming event with an “average” and “outstanding” consultant meeting a buyer, receive both proposals and see the difference. Q&A available during the broadcast:
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ISSN 2151-0091
© Alan Weiss 2013. All rights reserved