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Regrettably, I'm legally required to inform people who follow my work: You may see social media and internet notices, as well as mailings, implying that Chad Barr and his company have a business relationship with me. This is untrue. Mr. Barr’s

Let me make something very clear here: I do not publish anonymous posts. I find them cowardly. If you have an opinion or a critique that is polite and civil, it will be published. But if you don't have the

Here's a terrific new book by my colleague, friend, and marketing genius Bruce Turkel. You can watch a video here: https://vimeo.com/179415265 The world changed while we were all busy doing other things. Suddenly the marketing tools that used to work just don’t seem

Great leaders know they’re never done learning and developing their leadership skills. In their latest book, #WhyLeadersFail, Peter Stark and Mary Kelly pinpoint the 7 most common reasons some managers fail, and what successful leaders do differently. Leaders, I highly

RIP Buddy Cianci,74, former mayor of Providence and then longest serving mayor in the nation, convicted of one count (26 dismissed) of racketeering and sent to prison for six years, returned as popular radio show host and TV political commentator.