A Good Excuse for A Party: The Golden Globes
The Golden Globes: Incompetent foreign journalists voting for people who will receive a million dollars in goodies if they win an arbitrary award based on judges' personal biases (I am not making that up). Well, I'd certainly put that on
Performance and Pay
Many organizations provide annual "merit" increases to employees. These are rarely true "merit" raises, but are really longevity raises. You worked for another year so we'll give you a little more money. These lower profitability, paying more money for essentially
The War of the Worlds
Just because someone writes a book (and I've written a lot of them) doesn't mean the author is an expert. It simply means that person has written a book. (I try to keep this in mind!) And just because you've
A Non-Involuntary Blog Post
We're using ridiculous phrases to distort meaning. What is "food insecurity"? Sounds to me like someone needs a lock on the refrigerator. We're talking about hunger. I think "hunger" arouses more passion to do something than "food insecurity." What is "unhoused"? I'm "unhoused" when
“No Problem”
Not that long ago I was stunned by poor service, whether in person, on the phone, or on the internet. I would often complain to management. Today, I'm stunned by excellent service, to the point I remark about it to management. I'm
Be Thankful for Safe Travels
80 million Americans will travel more than 50 miles from home on Thanksgiving tomorrow, 90% by car, with 5 million expected to fly. Tell me again about the economy
Technological Breakthrough
If you eat a chocolate donut and then try to use the fingerprint identifier on your keypad, it will not work. Believe me, I tried this through four donuts in the name of science and avoiding confirmation bias, and I'm
Things That Are Way Overrated
These ideas, institutions, and experiences are way overrated: • Downsizing your life • Stability • An abundance of caution • Political correctness ("wokeness") • Group tours • Buffets • Tasting menus • UFO sightings (and conspiracies) • College educations • The UN • The perfect lawn • Speedometers on cars with 100
“Snail Mail” Is an Insult to Snails
I have to wonder about the intelligence of companies that dun you before your bill is due, then dun you if it's a few days late, even if it's for $60 and the credit line is in the thousands. Do they really
With a month to go, I'm looking forward to Halloween more than the election.