High Altitude Hucksters
There ought to be a law against airlines hawking credit cards over the PA at 35,000 feet when it prompts you to want to leave the plane. With a "captive" audience and a treacly, scripted sales pitch, selling credit cards
Small Blessings
I was thinking that small blessings, cumulatively, are more important than a few major ones for most of us. Here are some of mine, as I considered my own good fortune: Caffeine does not interrupt my sleeping at all, ever.
There Is No Potato Famine Today
The Super Bowl ad of the farmers raising couch potatoes really struck me. Today we have an even larger crop of "Zoom potatoes." There are a hell of a lot of people who seem to feel that learning is perfectly adequate
I Looked in the Mirror and Said, “They Need to Get A Haircut.”
I don't know about you, but I've had it with virtue-signaling and attempts to be liberal that simply distort meaning. Here's an excerpt from a recent news story: "John Smith was the investigator in charge of the case. When the time
Want to Connect? Please Think Again.
Note to people considering asking me to connect on Linkedin: If your intent is then to solicit me with dumb-ass marketing approaches, not having done any homework, not understanding who I am, then save your time and spare yourself the
Take Your Medicine
Innovation is all around you, and can "sneak up" on you. Take a look at the healthcare systems: Telehealth, nurse practitioners, store-front clinics, clinics in pharmacies, remote testing, internet diagnoses, and so on.* Of course, we have a ways to go:
You Do the Work, We’re Doing You A Favor
Have you noticed how much more work organizations are pushing toward their customers? Doctors' offices and pharmacies want you to "pre-checkin" on the computer before your appointments, so that their staff doesn't have to do anything other than ask you
You don't think fads become trends quickly at times? And totally predominate? While I was waiting for my latest Covid and flu shots, I watched a couple of dozen people lined up for prescriptions and to pay for pharmacy products. Every one
As Obvious As A Ham Sandwich
People are citing surveys on social media that report that a major factor in motivation and retention of talent is to recognize the value and accomplishments of people's contributions. You needed a survey to tell you that? You thought it was
Confirmation Blindness
Confirmation bias is quite a popular term these days, indicating behaviors which focus on seeking and accepting only that information (or opinion) which supports your own. It is the refusal to take seriously any facts which might threaten your own