Of Interest
To paraphrase George Bernard Shaw: We don't stop being interesting because we grow old, we grow old because we stop being interesting.
Are You Still Talking About A Recession?
I believe that fewer than 5% of financial and sports analysts have predicted the results of this year accurately, with about two months to go. None will be fired, or apologize publicly for their inaccuracies. It just shows that being a critic
Consider the Source
Here's how I would break down the claims and "news reports" on social media: 50%: pure opinion without factual basis ("89% of people
I’m Bright Because I’m Loquacious
Have you ever dealt with someone who either talks at great length with no concern as to whether you're engaged, or who cuts you off when you attempt to contribute? This is the "red zone" of self-absorption, when someone is
Walk Away from Irrational Anger
When you find someone overreacting to a disagreement or minor inconvenience or political belief, remember two things: Such anger is usually self-anger, redirected outwards to preserve that person's psychological well-being. Intermittent Explosive Disorder is a borderline personality dysfunction whereby uncontrolled
Try A Little Tenderness
Do you notice that it's far easier to accept bad news from cheerful people ("Sorry, sir, but the cappuccino machine is broken this morning.") than from people who have had their personalities surgically removed ("No cappuccino today, do you want
Hey, Honey, Can You Put Me Down for 2:15?
Just because you have an opinion—even about something that works well for you—doesn't mean it's valid for others and that you have the right to preach it as if you're on a higher moral plain. A guy on Linkedin wrote of
Please Don’t Upgrade Me, I’m Happy in the 1960s
Let me get this straight: An upgrade that was botched cost a kajillion dollars in cancelled travel, hospital surgeries postponed, and banking transaction failures, and we're afraid that AI is going to take over the world? Not as long as
Procrastination Is Fear
Procrastination is the result of the fear of producing something that will be negatively critiqued or unacceptable being far greater than the fear of being seen as late and delayed.
I've been listening to President Biden and he sometimes errs about his experiences and ranking in law school, what happened during his vice presidential tenure, and even having had cancer (which he did not). I'm not making any political judgments. What