As Cold As the Glacier
There's an expert on glaciers on the cruise we're on who is extremely knowledgeable, but his delivery is soporific. He's been doing these lectures for almost 40 years, and he's clearly never sought (or accepted) feedback on his delivery. He
A Note to Customer-Facing People
There's a difference between legitimately not knowing the answer to a customer or client's question, and simply demonstrating that you don't care. (We used to call this TNMJ: That's not my job.) In escalating order: I don't know. I'm sorry, I don't know. I'm
Saving That Minute
The green light can't last much longer, so cars speed up to go through it. Then it hits amber, and more cars really accelerate to make the turn. Finally, it's red, but another couple go through on the assumption that,
You Need Me More than You Think!
When people say, "I can't afford your help," I reply, "You're a person of X age, who holds down a job for Y years, has a college education, supports a family, and at this stage of your life and career
Under the Weather
I've done exhaustive research, and I'm afraid your unwillingness to call for referrals, your procrastination about beginning your book, and your inability to charge higher fees are not caused by climate change. Sorry.
False Credentials
I received an email last month notifying me that I’ve been nominated for Prime View Magazine’s “Ten Most Innovative Leaders to Follow in 2023!” Quite an honor right? Not so much. Of course, there is a “nominal cost” of $1,000 for “participation.”
How Ya Doin’?
Mea Culpa: I had had it with some rude store cashiers, especially in the pharmacy. So one day I approached with my purchases and asked how they were, made a small joke. They immediately responded with at least a half-smile. The
“When I’m 64” (The Beatles)
Have you noticed that entrepreneurs in professional services (law, accounting, consulting, design, coaching, business owners in general, etc.) tend to "work" later in their lives than people in organizational life? That's not because the former need the money, it's because
Hypocrisy is built into society. I was telling someone over cigars the other day about the speed of my cars and their acceleration. I realize, of course, that would never (and could never on most roads) drive the cars at
Whom Can I Blame?
Let me explain the trouble with the mindless pursuit of blaming "big business, Wall Street, greedy companies, politics" and so forth: This kind of conspiratorial thinking removes any accountability from individuals and conveniently blames some amorphous "other." Who elects those people?