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Beware of the Company You Keep

Beware of the Company You Keep

I’ve always believed in communities and supported them as positive entities. However, there is a dark side to communities of people sharing common goals and beliefs. This occurs when those goals and beliefs are at best misguided and at worst criminal.

There are communities that have supported crypto as a wondrous investment and the new means of financial transactions, right down to the tired story about buying a pizza with it. There are pyramid schemes (network marketing, Bernie Madoff, “direct selling”) which are simply designed to cheat people. There were and are NFTs, penny stocks, reverse mortgages, people claiming they’re isolated overseas and need money—you name it. There are always stories of someone getting rich supported by the community. 

Just because a lot of people advocate something doesn’t mean they’re correct, ethical, or even legal. Social media are full of confirmation bias. This is like someone in quicksand being thrown an anchor by people claiming to be helping.

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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