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Live From the Million Dollar Consulting® College – Still Continues

Live From the Million Dollar Consulting® College – Still Continues

I previously attended Alan’s Million Dollar Consulting College and am always delighted to be invited as the returning Internet guest speaker for the college. As much as I enjoy delivering my presentation, I also find it mentally stimulating to visit with Alan and his very smart college attendees. While hanging out with the gang the evenings before and after my presentation, I used my flip video gadget to record some very special moments, which I know you will all enjoy. Below are seven short videos representing these moments.


Chad Barr
CB Software Systems, Inc.

1 – Introduction:

2 – Building Newsletter Distribution List and Internet Ideas:

3 – Ideas for new Business:

4 – Changing Behaviors:

5 – Finding the Buyer:

6 – Asking for Referrals:

7 – Provocative Questions:

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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