Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/9/18
Have you ever looked up and suddenly seen someone you know (or someone famous) on an airplane, or in a lounge, or even on the street? Sometimes it's a schoolmate from ages ago, sometimes a rock star, sometimes a
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 4/2/18
This morning I took the dogs for our regular coffee run. I shut off the house alarm with a button on my key ring. I pushed another button to open the garage door. My wife had inadvertently locked the
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/26/18
Over the last week, I had dinner with my wife and two others in Nobu in New York, which cost about $1,600. I also had a $3 hot dog, with mustard and sauerkraut from my favorite vendor on Madison
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/19/18
My coaching and consulting work has consistently revealed an unhappy reality: Too many people are afraid. Those fears include: • Losing business • Your name or brand being tarnished • Missing deadlines • Being seen as an imposter (incompetent) • Asking for money that is
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/12/18
I'm an impatient guy in many respects. That often helps me to succeed, but sometimes creates problems. I also travel well and expect very good service. Coming home from New York on the Acela on Saturday morning, one of the
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 3/05/18
We were leaving Nevis last week when we were told at the airport (which is smaller than my house) that "the plane didn't arrive last night" that constituted our morning flight to San Juan. (Shades of Fantasy Island!) No
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/26/18
It's hard to escape—nor should we seek to escape—the horror of school shootings. This is not a reality that is acceptable in any decent society. But the important thing in my view is to stop them by finding cause
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/19/18
We see boundaries as lines of demarcation, to keep something out or to preserve something inside. Some are clearly and objectively seen (the "out of bounds" in sports) and some are simply and subjectively felt (the boundaries of polite
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/12/18
The Olympics are always fascinating for me. I'm stunned by the focus and sacrifice of these athletes who deny themselves a large portion of "normal" life to be able to excel in their specialty. But not only do they
Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 2/5/18
The op ed columnist Nicholas Kristof wrote in yesterday's Times that "more people are believing Dylan Farrow" (the adopted daughter who is accusing Woody Allen of molestation from the time she was seven). I have no idea what did