The Dog Star: Beagle Lessons
(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition)
Every morning Buddy Beagle runs downstairs from the master bedroom to the kitchen door in order to go out into the back yard. Somewhere in descending two sets of stairs and traversing most of the house he picks up a stuffed duck along the way. He has at least two, and I don't know where he stores them.
At the back door he attempts to take them out to the yard. The stuffed toys get wet and ratty out there, and he never, ever takes them back in. So we would take the duck out of his mouth at the door. He got used to this, and would drop the duck when we'd say, “Drop the duck!”
But then he pulled a new stunt, and when the door opened, he'd grab the duck again, run under Koufax's legs, and zoom out into the yard. So now we have to actually kick the duck away when he drops it, like they kick the guns away from fallen criminals on CSI Miami. I'm sure Buddy is working on his next trick to get the duck outside.
Dogs do not get frustrated, they get even. They don't mope and whine over being denied something, they figure out another way. They are amazingly resourceful. When Buddy spied the open dog treat drawer, he would lean on the front to grab some treats and inadvertently close it with his weight. I chuckled at this, until he learned pretty quickly to stand on the side of the drawer, where his weight actually kept it open. Once, he devoured a pound of pupperoni, and I stopped chuckling.
Dogs don't give up. Just because something failed to work the first 20 times doesn't mean it won't work on the 21st. They don't hold things against you. You may have removed the loud toy, but they'll still give you affection, and wait until the time is right to retrieve the toy and honk it once again.
A few benighted souls, arrogant in their superiority and dumb initials after their names, have told me they resent my using dogs and other animals as points of comparison to them and their careers. Well, if you take umbrage over that, I have a suggestion.
Why don't you show me you can outperform them?
© Alan Weiss 2012. All rights reserved.
Alan Weiss
Amen to that. I had friends back in the day who were not destined to read 40 books.
Tim Wilson
“A few benighted souls, arrogant in their superiority and dumb initials after their names, have told me they resent my using dogs and other animals as points of comparison to them and their careers.”
How anyone can be upset by your use of your dogs to help us better understand how we can be better at what we do is a mystery to me. I don’t get it when people feel they need to – how did you put it in your last post – “look at me I’m lovely” need to reread that post several times.
I also know that anyone who has written 40+ books, generates seven figures, is from the New Jersey and knows what Ripple is, doesn’t suffer fools especially ones that don’t like dogs.
John Martin
It does take some level of conceitedness to be offended with comparisons. Especially when the comparison is a valid and accurate observation of how people should be conducting themselves.
If they don’t like being compared to animals, then fair enough. But they shouldn’t moan when they make a ‘Pigs’ ear of it.
You didn’t see that one coming did you, eh?
Look at me, I’m lovely.
Alan Weiss
Only from a mile away.
John Martin
I’ll sack that scriptwriter.
John Martin
Erm…er…..well I called him on Monday and he said everything was going fine and the deeds should be here soon. I did try to call him several times today but the number wasn’t recognised. Not to worry, I know he’s a busy man and he has lots of travelling to do and he may have been in an area where there is no reception. All day in an area with no reception. Possibly.
Anyway, I’m sure everything will be alright. I’ll try and call him again tomorrow. The deeds WILL be here this week, he assured me of that on Monday.
He’s such a nice man. Always laughing when he hears my voice.
I wish everyone was a charming as he.
I promise you Tim, I’ll happily invest in those wonderful little money boxes you’re offering as soon as I have my renovation job sorted out.
Tom Forster
Alan – Thank you for your dog cartoons and for using them as sources of wisdom and analogies. “To err is human—to forgive, canine.” My four dogs also thank you. You rock!
Tim Wilson
Hmm, “making a pig’s ear of it” can’t quite get my head around that one. But let me ask you how’s that little fixer upper in Pisa coming along. I still have those toll booths available if your interested.
John Martin
Well done Tim, I’m really pleased for you. I remember about ten years ago I was offered a similar deal – I wish I’d taken it now.
Isn’t it strange when you look back at missed opportunities like that and think to yourself, ‘If only.’
Alan often says that he’s surprised at how stupid he was two weeks ago. I look back ten years and see myself with long, tatty hair, a loincloth and a club!
Ah well, I can’t dwell on past mistakes. Chin up and all that.
All the best Tim. I’ll have to invite you around for a pint in Italy when you get your millions. I’d do it now, but the beer would just fall over given the angle of the building.
Now where’s that guys number, time for another call.
Tim Wilson
John I understand it takes time to make sure everything is right with a deed. But just so you know if the toll booths are not your thing I can let you in on a nice gig I have for very little money.
I have a guy that will share twenty-six million just to allow him to use my email and bank account. I just sent him a small start-up fee to get things going, and he will be getting back to me tomorrow with the information I will need to collect.
I can’t believe that I hit the mother lode. I might be able to join Alan in one of his far away locations for the seven figure consultants I mean after all twenty-six million is a lot of money. Once I get it I might want to invest in your project.