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The Dog Star: Burrowing Beagles

The Dog Star: Burrowing Beagles

(The Dog Star is a symbol of power, will, and steadfastness of purpose, and exemplifies the One who has succeeded in bridging the lower and higher consciousness. – Astrological Definition)

Sometime in the early morning, Buddy Beagle will arise from his current sleeping position (on the couch or the bed) and industriously burrow under blankets and sheets and spend another couple of hours sequestered like a mole. When he first did this I thought he would be asphyxiated, but eight years later he's hale and hearty.

His habit varies by an hour or so during the course of the year, and my wife only recently figured it out: Buddy digs into darkness before sunrise and the birds' awakening. He avoids the sight and the sounds. (I've listed 44 different birds on the property that I've seen, and they can create quite a greeting each morning!)

Most of us probably should anticipate what's going to get in the way of our rest or our focus, and take beagle-like preventive measures. If you know you need to concentrate on writing an article or book segment, forward your phone. If you know you're going to need time to create a project approach, don't search for your email (or allow your computer to alert you). If you anticipate you will not enjoy a meeting or be able to take advantage of networking if you're stuck with a prolix and annoying colleague, ask to sit with someone else at dinner.

As sure as we know the sun will rise and the birds will sing, we also know that an open door in our office will lead to family interruptions; a client visit will lead to requests for work not included in the proposal; back-to-back meetings will lead to domino-effect lateness; and agreeing to meet someone who wants to “pick your brain” will provide nothing for you but frustration.

Get under the covers.

If you're living with “necessary evils” and constant drains on your focus and concentration, it's time to block out that particular light and sound. But if you stand at the window every morning staring out, the sun will rise in your face as the birds create a cacophony.

Even a beagle knows better than that.

© Alan Weiss 2012. All rights reserved.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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