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The Left-Leaning Bar

The Left-Leaning Bar

The Good Fight, the CBS All Access spinoff of the huge hit, The Good Wife, is excellently written and acted. It has none of the restraints of network television, and Christine Baranski has to be one of the finest actors on screen. We tend to binge watch the streaming episodes.

But this season it's getting “screechy” liberal. Like the New York Times, which blames everything including the weather on Donald Trump so that editorial and news are hopelessly conflated, The Good Fight assumes a self-sanctioned moral high ground that loses effectiveness because it's so sanctimonious. (Has anyone bothered to notice that this is why Hillary lost the election?)

It's fabulous to watch the Bernie Madoff send-up, the unethical nature of the law, the partners' walking-on-eggshells approach to an associate's pregnancy. I especially enjoy it when the attorneys attempt to cheat each other!

An occasional, realistic political interlude is fine, and it's fine even if the lone dissenter from the liberal cause is an unlikely black partner. But the increasing aspect of moral hygiene provided from the mountain top makes you understand better why lawyers charge by the hour: They're afraid they may not be around at renewal time.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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