Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 09/18/17

I believe there's an inverse proportion between profanity and vocabulary. The more of the former, the less of the latter. I understand “shock” potential, but I don't understand vulgarity that's completely gratuitous and adds nothing to the point.
Routinely, I unfriend people on Facebook who write obscenities as adjectives and adverbs. I wouldn't look to spend my mornings with such people, so why do I want to read what they have to say? And the slippery slope increases in declivity. A woman who's a Senator from California dropped an F-bomb at a news conference. I guess she's trying to be hip. What she succeeds at is being pathetic.
Increasingly vulgar talk, ironically, attenuates the power of the profanity. The more we hear something, the less likely we are to be shocked by it. So the very effort of trying to be contemporarily shocking produces the opposite effect: The speaker is merely one of the crowd, howling for attention.
Obscenity is mindless. Therefore, the user isn't someone I need to use my mind on.

“Profanity and obscenity entitle people who don't want unpleasant information to close their ears and eyes to you.” —Kurt Vonnegut, Jr. in Hocus Pocus
New! Evergreen Client Relationships: Join the global sales strategy expert, Colleen Francis, and me, for 1.5 days of intense work on:
- Finding and landing ideal clients which possess huge potential for you
- Chalking up instant wins to gain credibility.
- Making yourself invaluable with TRF (The Reliance Factor) so clients seek you out again and again
- Expanding your influence to exponentially grow opportunities within each client unit and site.
Would you like to learn how to develop million dollar clients with which you work over many years? We have, and we'll show you how.
This is a limited attendance experience. AND, we're holding it across from the famous Bacon Bar in Miami! You can attend at a discount if you sign up in the next three weeks:
Million Dollar Consulting® Growth Access: I’ve changed the access fee to all of my work captured in text, audio, video, workshops, and electronic means to $2,500 for lifetime access (your lifetime, not mine!). Think of watching “In the Buyer’s Office” just before you enter a buyer’s office, or listening to “How to Ask for Referrals” just before you call for a referral! And we add to this treasure trove through the year. It’s about $75,000 of experiences, workshops, products, and subscriptions.
2018 Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: This is in Boston in April. Almost 60% of the Chicago participants signed up in advance to guarantee their seats. There's nothing else like this, 2.5 days of accelerated learning, great speakers, networking with global colleagues, and business growth. You can save 60% if you register this month:
Master Class Reprise: A dozen people focused intensely on moving to a larger stage, creating far higher value and fees, migrating to advisory work for six figures, exerting extemporaneous influence, and much more. I’ve scheduled another, identical program for December 6-8, later this year: The fee includes lodging at Castle Hill in Newport, meals, and local transportation.

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