Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 11/27/17
There have been several articles lately about homeless people who have helped a driver hurt in a car accident or returned money that they found to the rightful owner. In response, money has poured in to provide housing and food, and job offers have resulted. When these people turn out to be veterans, the avalanche of goodwill intensifies.
This response to a good deed performed by someone in unfortunate circumstances is admirable, but: Why do people in dire straits who need help have to perform some act of public benefit covered by the media to receive our help? Does charity and goodwill have to be triggered by some unicum that only then merits a public response?
Our church continually provides food, shelter, clothing, and human contact for those in need. A scout earning his eagle badge is now conducting a drive to provide living essentials to the homeless. It’s easy to find institutions and people dedicated to helping the less fortunate and volunteering or contributing to them. Why does it take some public act of “worthiness” to trigger the clearly available means extant to help people in need?
We shouldn’t require a media-enhanced act to justify the merit in helping others. What we need is the heart to help.
How wonderful it is that nobody need wait a single moment before starting to improve the world. —Anne Frank
New! Evergreen Client Relationships: Join the global sales strategy expert, Colleen Francis, and me, for 1.5 days of intense work on:
- Finding and landing ideal clients which possess huge potential for you
- Chalking up instant wins to gain credibility.
- Making yourself invaluable with TRF (The Reliance Factor) so clients seek you out again and again
- Expanding your influence to exponentially grow opportunities within each client unit and site.
Would you like to learn how to develop million dollar clients with which you work over many years? We have, and we’ll show you how.
This is a limited attendance experience. AND, we’re holding it across from the famous Bacon Bar in Miami! You can attend at a discount if you sign up in the next three weeks:
Shameless Promotion Meets Social Media Strategy: Global social media strategist Lisa Larter and I will help you create dynamic, inexpensive, effective approaches to promoting your business in both corporate and retail environments. How good is Lisa? She handles all my technology and internet strategy, and I was a social media cynic! Come and listen to the converted in Naples, Florida:
2018 Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: This is in Boston in April. Almost 60% of the Chicago participants signed up in advance to guarantee their seats. There’s nothing else like this, 2.5 days of accelerated learning, great speakers, networking with global colleagues, and business growth. You can save 60% if you register this month:
2018 Livestream Series: My 2017 livestreaming was so successful globally that I’ve launched 20 for next year, 10 in my Genesis of the Sale Series, and 10 in my Exponential Growth Series. You can engage in Q&A in real time and/or watch the recordings of packed content in 60-minute segments. There’s a huge discount for all 20 which results in unique learning at low investment.