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Dining Up and Out

Dining Up and Out

My Wife and I are on AA 461 on the way to Las Vegas today. In first class (which is really a business class, 20 seats on the small A321, but still better that Europe’s domestic business class with tiny seats three-across) and the meals they offered were a stuffed bell pepper or a spicy chicken taco. About half the meals were picked up half-eaten or uneaten. What is the airline brass thinking? Why not something simpler for more of a general palate, like meat and fish? (I know you can order special meals, but trying putting in the time to do that before your plane departs next week. Jet Blue, of course, provides a selection of three options from five choices every time.)

The plane was new, the service excellent, and I realize we’re not on board for a culinary experience. But IF the airline chooses to offer food, then why not make the choices palatable to as many people as possible? If you want vegan or orthodox or food grown from plants that don’t leave a shadow, fine, but those should be the special meals not more popular fare.

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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