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A Sign of the Times: Take Shelter

A Sign of the Times: Take Shelter

The Secretary of Defense of the United States of America, Lloyd Austin, sixth in line to the presidency, and head of the most powerful military in the world, chose not to tell his boss, the President of the United States, that he was in the hospital under general anesthesia, first for a prostate operation, and thereafter for treatment of a urinary tract infection. He happens to be black. I assume if he's fired, which he should be, no one will claim “racism.” And I assume if he's not fired, which I'd expect to be the case with President Biden, it's not because he is black. With two wars raging and several US enemies rattling sabres, this was a ridiculously selfish, incompetent decision.

On another note, after the coach of the New Orleans Saints told the team to “take a knee” in the final seconds of a game they had won so as not to embarrass the opposition with a meaningless touchdown, the quarterback ignored the instructions and called for a play that resulted in a touchdown. He admitted to this and his teammates supported him.

These are two example of “going rogue,” ignoring orders and precedent and protocol. What happens when a couple of guys in a missile silo or piloting a B-52 or running a nuclear sub decide to go rogue?

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Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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