Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 01/25/2021
When I read something—in the New York Times or Wall Street Journal or a newsletter, or online—that I don't agree with, I either move on because there's no reason to get upset, or I write a letter to the editor (which I have success with about 50% of the time), or I write something of my own views in one of my publications, like this one.
I don't unsubscribe or threaten anyone. I think F. Scott Fitzgerald observed that a first-rate intelligence can hold two competing ideas in mind at one time and still function. When I wrote about the Capitol riot, there were hundreds of people who wrote supporting my views, two who calmly offered other views, and two who opened with the fact that I'm “ignorant” and I'd lost them as subscribers (to a free newsletter!). When I mentioned how well the inauguration was handled and the impressive nature of Biden's speech, a reader wrote to tell me it was offensive to everyone for me to “bring up politics.”
Bear in mind that I don't feel I've had a successful day unless I'm irritating someone, somewhere, but nevertheless there's something disturbing about a mentality that says, “If you disagree with me you're ignorant.” It turns out that Galileo was right, and threatening to burn him at a stake didn't change that fact.
A while ago, another irate reader told me while moiling that he had six of my books in his office and he was going to throw them all out to “teach me a lesson.”
“Wait!” I said. “If you really want to teach me a lesson, buy six more and throw all twelve out!!”
Narcissism is not about self love. It's a clinical trait that belies a deep sense of emptiness, low self-esteem, emotional detachment, self-loathing, extreme problems with intimacy.—Drew Pinsky
I always cheer up immensely if an attack is particularly wounding because I think, well, if they attack one personally, it means they have not a single political argument left.—Margaret Thatcher
Sentient Strategy: I’ve certified 40+ people globally in this simple, highly effective new approach to strategy. Consider that NO pre-pandemic strategy can possibly be accurate today in any business. This is delivered virtually or in person. The next certification session is on February 8-9, two three-hour Zoom sessions. I support you after the training. $12,000. The program should generate a fee of at least $35,000. Contact me to apply: alan@summitconsulting.
Supper Charged Coaching, KAATN (Kick Ass and Take Names): Personal work with me one-on-one for seven months with weekly (or more) calls, unrestricted email, and work on your strategy (markets, fees, promotion) and tactics (role plays, proposals, referrals). You’ll make your investment back with one sale. https://alanweiss.com/gr
2021 Book Sprint: Early February starts my sixth Book Sprint wherein participants create an entire, professional book proposal over 60 days for submission to agents and/or publishers. Our track record is about 80% for book contracts signed! Limited participation, I give you assignments weekly and we meet by Zoom weekly and share our work. Nothing else like this is offered anywhere. I can take six more people. Take assertive action to get that book (or next book) underway and in front of publishers. Contact me to apply: alan@summitconsulting.
MacKay CEO Forums: My long-time client and colleague, Nancy MacKay, is seeking additional Chairs for her vast network which provides virtual peer meetings for over 1200 business owners and executives around the world. She helps experienced coaches and consultants get off the income roller-coaster and add 50-300k in recurring annual revenue by using a guaranteed, proven system for success. The Chairs, while continuing to run their own businesses, also facilitate these meetings periodically, and gain exposure to potential clients by also addressing the groups and becoming known within the network. Here’s a video conversation with me and Nancy and more information at Mackay Certified Chairs. You can reach Nancy for further discussions here: nancy@mackayceoforums.