Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 02/24/2020
I stopped by my favorite hot dog truck this past week. It's been here for at least 40 years and is owned by “Pops,” who started with a push cart and who now has a silver trailer towed by a pickup. He currently serves veal parm and short ribs, among other things. Pops is well into his 80s these days, so the trailer is staffed by family or friends, but not so well as Pops.
His “employees” can't remember the most basic essential issue about hot dogs: What the customer wants on it: saurkraut, relish, chile, cooked onions, celery salt, etc. So you tell them (I order three at a time) and then they ask you again as they assemble the rolls and dogs, and then you have to watch them like a hawk because they'll otherwise make a mistake. Chile and saurkraut, for example, do not mix well.
I'm reminded of the current trend in restaurants where the staff writes nothing down and “remembers” your order until they can get to the computer. I find the error rate is about 15%. Is there something offensive about taking notes?
There are things in our lives we had better learn to remember: the name of a prospect to whom we're introduced, the time and date of an appointment, the location of a meeting, our spouse's birthday, and so on. I write these things down, including the prospect's name. I don't want chile on my saurkraut, and I don't want to mix up a buyer with a dental appointment. And every Sunday, in my Filofax, there's a note: “Write Monday Morning Memo.”
And so I have.
When I was growing up, my family was so poor we couldn't afford to pay attention.—Mr. T
Role Play Boot Camp: A small group will meet in an intense day to practice with me, and with each other, the most difficult conversations they encounter or anticipate. You’ll emerge from this prepared to handle any buying situation, request for referrals, fee conversation, and so forth, whether in person or remote. Limited seating. Contact me at [email protected]. Fee: $2,500. Date: April 23, Los Angeles. (If you attend the Getting Started session below on April 22, this fee is reduced to $2,000.)
Sentient Strategy: Learn how to market and implement a novel approach to strategy for all kinds of organizations with a minimum fee to you of $50,000 and more in my 1.5-day intensive experience. Subscribe here. Next sessions in New York City March 4-5 and LA on April 20-21.
Getting Started in Consulting and Re-energizing Your Practice: Sold out in Boston, approaching 100 people in LA, grab your seat quickly, spend six hours with me at a ridiculously low fee and gain a 1,000:1 return. Subscribe here. And I’m buying lunch!
Creating Dynamic Communities: Learn how to quickly create evangelistic communities with your clients, prospects, and others which will generate revenue continually and make you a global influencer. Subscribe here. May in Atlanta.
Million Dollar Consulting® Convention in Sydney: Join me for the first such event ever held outside of the US. We have 84 people registered, we can only accommodate 100, and there is a special discount for people from Australia and New Zealand. I’ll also be donating 5% of gross revenues to wildlife support groups in Australia. Subscribe here. Australia is in dire need of restoring tourism and investment, join me and extend your stay.