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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/10/2021

Alan Weiss's Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/10/2021



I read in the Boston Globe that about a quarter of all Boston restaurants closed during the past year. My reaction, both there and elsewhere, was to think about why so many survived and now have reopened. Others have complained that they can't reattract their employees because stimulus payments give them reason not to work. Yet other establishments are fully staffed.

My observations are that the successful restaurants kept their people at work for as long as they could and didn't immediately go to “bare-bones” staff. They stayed open whenever possible, even while losing money. When employees had to be laid off, the owners kept in touch with them and showed concern for their well-being. They also talked to other employees out of work in case they could be used as “backup” for regulars who didn't return. And most of these places had positive “vibes” and regular customers, which made them attractive places for employees to work.

It has occurred to me that the same dynamics applied to arts groups, retailers, service firms, and others.

Many establishments closed because they had inadequate cash reserves, illnesses, and other understandable reasons. But others closed because they never took the time to think about people and customers, just themselves. Small business success requires big thinking.

I was in another jammed restaurant last night. It wasn't so much a “return to normal,” as it was a different attitude. It was the confidence of knowing that people were smart enough and resilient enough to first survive and then prosper again. It wasn't just the “luck of the draw.” It was intelligently playing the hand that was dealt.


Tough times don't last. Tough people do. —Julian Edelman (and many others)

Tough times call for tougher decisions. —Probhas


A menu of opportunities to improve and dramatically grow your business and enhance your life. Certainly, one or more of these experiences are relevant for you.

Master Class: A 2.5-day “PhD” in professional services and entrepreneurialism. We’ll discuss new markets, remote best practices, concierge trusted advisors, scaling your business, client evangelism, and much, much more. At a world-class property, Castle Hill Inn, in Newport, RI, Nov. 2-4. Maximum 16 people, one seat remains. Fee ($14,500) includes lodging and meals. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/developmental-experiences/the-master-class-workshop/

The Fishbowl: Watch me coach two individuals, each for 30 minutes, in real time (or you may watch the recording). Afterward, we’ll engage in conversation about what happened and why, the techniques, and the next steps. This is a four-week experience, once a week, with a man and a woman at different levels of experience and needs. Observer participation, including the interactive discussions, is $500. Apply the learning to your own coaching endeavors. June 8, 15, 22, 29. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/fishbowl/

MacKay CEO Forums: My long-time client and colleague, Nancy MacKay, is seeking additional Chairs for her vast network which provides virtual peer meetings for over 1200 business owners and executives around the world. She helps experienced coaches and consultants get off the income roller-coaster and add 50-300k in recurring annual revenue by using a guaranteed, proven system for success. Here’s a video conversation with me and Nancy and more information at Mackay Certified Chairs. You can reach Nancy for further discussions here: nancy@mackayceoforums.com. Just mention that I sent you to receive a quick response.

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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