Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/08/17

The farther removed an event, the less its impact on most of us. We sympathize and send government help to Fukushima, for example, but Three Mile Island dominated our news and national attention. Volkswagen's unethical actions with emissions was a regrettable problem in Germany unless, of course, you owned one of the vehicles, thus afflicted wherever you live.
I admire people who refuse to allow distance to insulate them. My dentist, for example, goes to Haiti yearly to help out in a free clinic in a remote village under primitive conditions. A colleague of mine has visited North Korea to see for himself what it's like there. There are people who defuse bombs for a living (real and metaphoric).
Someone told me once, “I'm scared out of my mind to have you coach me!” (He subsequently got over it.) There are people who want to increase distance instead of reduce it. They avoid confrontation, eschew the tougher options, and prefer empty words over hard work.
The great naval hero John Paul Jones spoke about his intent to “sail into harm's way.” We need to move toward the noise, toward the bright light, toward the great challenge, not back away. My coaching will improve your life, but I can't help you if you're afraid to approach me.
We need to run toward the challenges, not flee as if distance will save us. Isolationism has never proved to be a viable strategy for nations, organizations, or individuals. Philosophers may be happy on lofty mountain tops, but we sinners have to run the world.

If the First Amendment means anything, it means that a state has no business telling a man, sitting alone in his house, what books he may read or what films he may watch. —Thurgood Marshall
Master Class: An advanced experience for accelerating business growth, reducing labor, and creating powerful branding. We’re at Castle Hill Inn in June, a gorgeous property. Very limited participation with a group of high-flyers:
Thought Leadership 2017: Our eighth annual event, featuring Harvard’s Dan Gilbert, he of 15 million TED views, on happiness. We have two seats remaining for this 2.5-day event of discussion, challenge, and learning of the way to establishing and sustaining thought leadership:
Million Dollar Consulting® Growth Access: I've just changed the access fee to all of my work captured in text, audio, video, workshops, and electronic means to $2,500 for lifetime access (your lifetime, not mine!). Think of watching In the Buyer's Office just before you enter a buyer's office, or listening to How to Ask for Referrals just before you call for a referral! And we add to this treasure trove through the year. It's about $75,000 of experiences, workshops, products, and subscriptions.
2018 Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: This is in Boston in April. Almost 60% of the Chicago participants signed up in advance to guarantee their seats two weeks ago. There's nothing else like this, 2.5 days of accelerated learning, great speakers, networking with global colleagues, and business growth. You can save 60% if you register this month: