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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/22/17

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 05/22/17

I’m writing this from the King George Hotel in Athens, with the Acropolis standing on a mountain top across from our terrace like the sun in an historical orrery. The original buildings were constructed in the Fourth Century BC by Pericles. (Photos are on my blog: contrarianconsulting.com.)

Like the Egyptians before them and the Italians after them, the Greeks built structures meant to last centuries. When destruction occurred, it was usually by force of nature which the technology couldn’t prevent or by warfare (both still with us).

Sixty years after the first Fortune 500 list was created in 1955, only 12% of the original firms were still on the list. I’m wondering if we are really building our structures to last in our contemporary world. Bridges built in the last 30 years are being replaced at a huge cost. In fact, the infrastructure of most of the US is in need of drastic upgrading, from train tracks to water pipes, and tunnels to port facilities.

It’s always amused me when I visit Europe that I’m often sitting on furniture older than my country! But I also ask myself, are we creating contributions that last or are they merely to collect the profits of the times? That should be the case for great works of art or public structures, but also our values and contributions which should be intended for the ages and not the current quarter.

The purpose of art is washing the dust of daily life off our souls. —Pablo Picasso

Master Class: An advanced experience for accelerating business growth, reducing labor, and creating powerful branding. We’re at Castle Hill Inn in June, a gorgeous property. Very limited participation with a group of high-flyers: https://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/the-master-class-workshop/

Thought Leadership 2017: Our eighth annual event, featuring Harvard’s Dan Gilbert, he of 15 million TED views, on happiness. We have one seat remaining for this 2.5-day event of discussion, challenge, and learning of the way to establishing and sustaining thought leadership: https://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/2016-thought-leadership-seventh-annual-conference/

Million Dollar Consulting® Growth Access: I've just changed the access fee to all of my work captured in text, audio, video, workshops, and electronic means to $2,500 for lifetime access (your lifetime, not mine!). Think of watching In the Buyer's Office just before you enter a buyer's office, or listening to How to Ask for Referrals just before you call for a referral! And we add to this treasure trove through the year. It's about $75,000 of experiences, workshops, products, and subscriptions. https://www.alanweiss.com/store/online-learning/alans-million-dollar-consulting-growth-access/

2018 Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: This is in Boston in April. Almost 60% of the Chicago participants signed up in advance to guarantee their seats two weeks ago. There's nothing else like this, 2.5 days of accelerated learning, great speakers, networking with global colleagues, and business growth. You can save 60% if you register this month: https://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/million-dollar-consulting-convention-2018/

Very Special: Here's an unusual opportunity. I'm holding an event in Boston for a full day on September 8 on my book Million Dollar Maverick. It is for the original mutli-volume purchasers, but you can participate for just $750! Also, on October 19-20, I'm conducting two days on general entrepreneurialism and business growth in New York for one of my special groups, but you can attend both these days for $1,400. Write me for details at [email protected].



Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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