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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 1/20/2025

Alan Weiss's Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 1/20/2025

I’m gobsmacked by people who stop at the bottom of escalators, who press both elevator buttons, thus delaying people not going in their intended direction, and those people eager to pass you on the right on the highway, even though an obvious lumbering truck 50 yards ahead in that lane will slow them down even more.

There are too many people who can’t figure out quickly from the bill what a 20% tip would be, or who pull into a parking space nose-first instead of parallel parking, and then wallow there, back and forth, until the restaurant closes.

I believe that consciousness is a factor of how rapidly and accurately someone can process information. I’m more conscious than my German Shepherd, who is more conscious than a rabbit, which is more conscious than a snail. In an age of light-speed arrivals of information and conflicting meanings, that ability is magnified in its importance.

Thus, critical thinking skills become the key, and they are in pretty short supply. Our primary and secondary schools, which are far better at warehousing kids than educating them, attempt a wide variety of trendy educational techniques while somehow failing to teach kids the process of problem solving, or how to make decisions, or how to verify and validate their solutions. The current school configuration in the US dates back to the early 1800s.

Our “higher education” is infested with tenured professors who prefer to use a litmus test of “correct political beliefs” rather than actual grasp of the subject matter to decide who will do well. (Marxism is largely based on the creation of class struggle and the undermining of the governing values of a society.) A cariosity has rooted in our educational systems.

We need smarter people—more conscious people—who can process information well without bias or political, selfish motives. The future and our success will rely not merely on AI, but the people who create and use it to be talented and skilled. Hence, we need immigration to bolster our declining population, and we need to stop assuming people over 65 have suddenly become unconscious and have lost their critical thinking skills. Immigrants who want to succeed have shown they can learn fast and work hard

And those of us over 65? Well, we were schooled when education was about critical thinking skills, and merit, and reward for performance. Like riding a bike, you don’t forget how to apply that.


Civilized discourse demands critical thinking, self-reflexiveness, sober-headed analysis. —Daniel Lubetzky

Every single university student should study philosophy. You need to lead the examined life and question your beliefs. If you don't learn critical thinking, then political debate degenerates into a contest of slogans. —Martha Nussbaum

Economists who have studied the relationship between education and economic growth confirm what common sense suggests: The number of college degrees is not nearly as important as how well students develop cognitive skills, such as critical thinking and problem-solving ability. —Derek Bok

I wish I had had more mentorship and more access, not only for capital, but the critical thinking. —David Cohen


February is on Fearlessness! Zoom Workshops 2025When you join for the year, you receive the past videos, or you can sign up for individual sessions: February 4: Fearlessness. How to be bold and assertive in any situation. March 4: Conversation with a star. A candid conversation with a success in my community. April 8: Creating unsolicited referrals. An oxymoron, perhaps, but there is a system. May 6: Gaining financial security. Stop guessing about “how much is enough.” June 3: Conversation with a star. A candid conversation with a success in my community. July 8: Dramatic conversational pivot points. How to move any conversation to your destination. August 12: Improving and sustaining an abundance mentality. Understanding that abundance is not what you have but rather who you are. September 9: Conversation with a star. A candid conversation with a success in my community. October 7: Self-Awareness and self-honesty. The greatest lies are the ones we tell ourselves and believe. November 4: Questions you always wanted to ask. I’ll amass the questions, but you’re invited to comment. December 9: High potential marketing for 2026. The key market segments and avenues to reach them. Each session is $450 or $5,000 for the year. Recordings are included within 24 hours. Add $2,500 for five, 30-minute coaching sessions one-on-one. Time: 10:30-12:00 US eastern time. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/zoom-workshops-2025/
An Alan Live Experience: Beyond Success: What happens when you’re meeting your aspirations, when your lifestyle is fabulous, and your prospects are excellent? How much is “enough”? Is there a “retirement”? How do you change (or sell) your business and IP? Are philanthropy, volunteering, and service right for you? Are you able to care for family and important others? What will keep you excited and positive—and “youthful”? We’ll explore this and more over two days of intense discussion and exercises in a small group. We’ll get together in Los Angeles for two 9-to-4 days, June 11 and 12, including a reception. As you know, you’ll learn a lot from your colleagues and peers in that room. $7,500. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/beyond-success/Master Master Class 2025: I’m happy to once again offer the unique Master Master Class in 2025. It will be in the exquisite Newport area on March 25-27, 2.5 days of learning, experimenting, and building new collegial relationships.We will achieve:

  • New offerings and IP for a volatile, No Normal® world.
  • A consistent “voice” of expertise in your market—a “go to” magnetism and attraction.
  • The identification and evaluation of your existing “body of work” to be repurposed and exploited for passive income.
  • A book idea—commercially published or self-published, hard copy or electronic, written by you or “ghosted”—that will establish and perpetuate your stature. • The HOV lane for advisory work with high fees and low labor.
  • The confidence and presence to deal successfully with anyone at any time in any environment. (Very special role plays.)

This will be all new material from prior Master Classes. The fee will be $15,000 which includes lodging and most meals and a reception. (This will probably be the last Master Class I conduct in person, on site. No, I’m not kidding.) I have three people already attending simply by hearing me discuss this informally. My limit is a dozen people. It will not be recorded, but you may attend by Zoom, although I caution you on the intrinsic disadvantages of so doing. Attendees may record the session on their own.

The fee will be $15,000 which includes lodging and most meals and a reception. (This will probably be the last Master Class I conduct in person, on site. No, I’m not kidding.) Write me to apply: https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/master-master-class-2025/ TWO Seats Remain!

Thought Leadership Quarterly: This is a Zoom series based on my popular Thought Leadership Workshops. I’ll be presenting ideas, based on current events and predictions, that will propel you to the forefront of recognition in your “public square.” This will be highly interactive and questions are welcome in advance. This will be 90 minutes and repeated twice to accommodate various time zones, once at 8 US eastern time and once at 5 US eastern time the same day.

March 20 June 17 September 23 December 18 $2,000 for the series. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/thought-leadership-quarterly/ Note that participants from the Delray FL Thought Leadership Conference can attend for free!! 

Million Dollar Consulting® for the World: I’ve provided 14 modules with videos from me, from your colleagues globally, slides, and text. They include everything from launch to self-esteem, proposals to fees, closing business to creating a brand. No upsells! It’s only $115. What do you think about a 10,000:1 ROI? We have over 500 people from 47 countries. https://milliondollarconsultingcourse.com

Million Dollar Consulting® for the World ADVANCED: The new program contains over 60 videos and has 15 modules focusing on what to do in the buyer’s office, overcoming crises, financial planning, and much, much more. https://alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/advanced-global-learning-program/

Million Dollar Consulting® for the World GRADUATE: Another 12 modules with videos by me and your peers on contemporary issues such as Raising Fees Aggressively, How to Be Consistently Interviewed, Maximizing Happiness, and Managing Multiple projects. Join the people from 57 countries who are availing themselves of this inexpensive way to dramatically grow their businesses in any economic times. How does 100:1 ROI sound? https://milliondollarconsultingcourse.com/graduate-learning-program/

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