Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 1/27/2025
“Eat like a bird” is not an indication of light eating. Small birds eat about 30% of their body weight daily on average. That’s like you (kindly) downing about 50 to 70 pounds of food each day (which, in my occasional view, some people may be actually doing). When you “eat like a bird” you’re a trencherman, a gourmand.
We have quite a few sayings that guide us onto the wrong road, sort of like a highway sign that points in the wrong direction, so instead of pulling up at the Four Seasons you’re locking yourself in your car at some dive bar. If you’ve “slept like a baby” then you had a pretty awful night. “If you work a job you love, you’ll never work a day in your life,” tell that to the horribly underpaid nurses, EMTs, and teachers. “Flattery will get you nowhere,” yet if you want reporters’ attention, tell them you read their latest article and it’s brilliant.
“Haste makes waste”? It’s hard to tell about me, but I’m hugely impatient and I always wanted to “get there first.” I figured if could do that, I could always adjust as necessary as everyone else was watching me from behind. “If you don’t succeed the first time, try, try again.” Sure, keep repeating your mistakes as if repetition is the anodyne. “The early bird gets the worm,” but the early worm gets eaten.
“Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me,” but passive aggressive people, that most despicable lot, use words that can sting forever. And are you kidding me, “You can’t judge a book by its cover”? If someone is inappropriately dressed, or sloppy, or smells, or uses profanity for adjectives, that’s a book I don’t intend to touch, let alone read.
So the next time you allow yourself to fall for, “The customer is always right,” or “No one is around during the holidays/summer,” or “Good things come to those who wait,” you may want to consider a different career, or to stop listening to nonsense created by unsuccessful people who had a lot of time on their hands to create signs pointing in the wrong direction.
And then there’s “money can’t buy happiness.” About that….
Beware of false knowledge; it is more dangerous than ignorance. —George Bernard Shaw
All generalizations are false, including this one. —Mark Twain
I think and think for months and years. Ninety-nine times, the conclusion is false. The hundredth time I am right. —Albert Einstein
Alan, if you actually meet St. Peter, do not rush him. You have a long, uneven record to consider. —Maria Weiss
• An interactive response to your questions using my body of work in text, audio, and video.
• Links to the sources for the responses that are downloadable.
• The capacity to accept questions and provide responses in virtually any language.
• Access 24/7 globally at your convenience.
• Never an “upsell,” full access for one fee, including my copyrighted and trademarked materials: past, present, and future.
Over the past 40 years (this year is my 40th anniversary of solo practice) I’ve developed a body of work in a diverse array of media which, to this point, has been accessible on several of my platforms by choosing pre-established topics, such as “setting fees” or “finding the true buyer.”
But with this new access, you can ask questions such as:
“How do I create credibility quickly with an economic buyer?”
“How can I create speaking opportunities that pay well but also market my professional services?”
“What is the quickest way to establish ‘thought leadership’ within my ‘public square’?”
“What are the most provocative and high-value challenges for business owners?”
“What are the steps to create a book proposal that will be accepted by an agent or acquisitions editor?”
“How do I create fiscal security and real wealth (discretionary time)?”
“I have a meeting with the buyer and two board members tomorrow, how can I best prepare for it?”
“How can I monetize these objectives I’ve developed with the buyer?”
“What do I say when asked ‘How big is your staff?’”
“How do I move things forward now when I’m told ‘the timing isn’t right’?”
There are provisions for providing a proposal outline, book outline, buyer meeting agenda, and much more! This “knowledge library” can help you run your practice every day.
You get the idea. It’s like conferring with me, personally, at your convenience about both contemporary, immediate needs, and longer-term, strategic issues for your business and your life.
This is a one-time, life time purchase: That’s right YOUR lifetime, not mine! As I continue to develop offerings and intellectual property—including my daily, weekly, and monthly newsletters, podcasts, videos, cartoons, and so forth—they will be automatically included. And some day, far away, when I am dealing with St. Peter, arrangements will be well in place to continue to add still more of my unpublished, non-public material to the site.
We’ll update the AI continually as the technology improves. My current four platforms, which rely on people selecting from my pre-determined topics and content by category, have thousands of participants. My belief is that this new approach, enabling participants to specify their particular needs and receive detailed, multi-media responses, is the state-of-the-art for ongoing virtual assistance, the ultimate “high tech/high touch.”
This lifetime member program is going to be available when it is completed for the one-time fee of $950. If you sign up as an early adapter when the access should be partially open, by April 1, the fee will only be $700, and you’ll have limited access immediately, and full access in another 60 days.
BUT if you sign up now, as a charter member, the fee is only $450 until March 15—which is my 40th anniversary as a solo consultant.
You can sign up now here: https://alanweiss.com/store/
I think this is a breakthrough for real-time help at members’ convenience, immediate help to close business, to find buyers, to create a strong brand, to produce IP weekly. And I don’t think anyone else has a body of work for professional services providers to accelerate growth and prosperity as I have. As a subscriber to Monday Morning Memo, I think you know this to be true.
I’m urging you not to miss out on this absolutely unique opportunity I’m providing for you. For charter membership by March 15: https://alanweiss.com/
(Guarantee: If the technical gods undermine this project and it is unworkable, all advance payments will be promptly refunded in full in the same manner in which they were paid.)