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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/21/15

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 12/21/15

I want to thank you all for joining me here each Monday. I receive more response to this newsletter than any other that I publish.

The best of the Holiday Season to you all, and an especially Merry Christmas to those who celebrate it. May you and your families enjoy health, peace, and prosperity. And may this year be kinder to all of us, increasing tolerance, decreasing hostilty, and showcasing humanity for what we all know we are capable of.

There are three kinds of people—those who make things happen, those who watch what goes on, and those who don’t know what has happened.

— Nicholas Murray Butler Former president, Columbia University

Change the Life You Have Into the Life You Want: Receive two videos a month with people being coached, exercises, and discussions, with the option of access to me and a free entire day in Boston midway through the year's experience. Began November 1: http://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/quality-of-life-experience/ You can binge watch and catch up!

Meet Me in Australia: Two workshops in Sydney, one on dynamic growth and the other on the abundance mentality required to support such growth. Discounts for the next two weeks: http://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/alans-workshops-in-sydney-australia/ Also a bonus day on Consulting in High Stakes Transitions: http://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/consulting-in-high-stakes-transitions/

Million Dollar Consulting® Convention: In LA in March, the best such conference in the world. My featured guest is Marshall Goldsmith, and we have an all-star faculty: http://www.alanweiss.com/growth-experiences/million-dollar-consulting-convention/

Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

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