Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 6/13/16

I‘m a huge believer in positive psychology, positve self-talk, abudance thinking, and building self-esteem. I've seen people fail to enjoy life (and contribute to it) because they have a scarcity mentality. A great many actors, while posing with the Oscar they've just won, are wondering weather they'll ever work again, for example.
Having said that, the narcissim growing in our society is beginning to appal me. A guy on a bike yelled at me (the top was down) for not giving him enough room after he ignored a stop sign and tried to get around me. Everyone seems to be aggrieved, creating their own island of discontent which they demand be supplied and protected by everyone else. College campuses foster free speech—as long as you're supportive of the currently aggrieved bunch screaming the loudest.
I watched a couple take a seat in a diner having brought their own Starbuck's coffee with them. A woman in my church parks illegally and dangerously in the lot because “I've been coming here 47 years and I'll do what I want.” A woman goes ballistic when the Acela first class car doesn't have any more of the meal she selected. (She's taking the train as a dining experience?) I saw a guy on TED explain how to dry your hands on one paper towel. Now he can brag he gave his TED talk (along with eight million other boring people).
By all means, think well of yourself, but try also thinking well of others. Grand is good. Grandiosity ain't.

“What do you want me to do, smoke cheaper cigars?”
— Impressario Mike Todd, Jr. to his accountants when they informed him he was $5 million in debt.
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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® is a registered trademark of Alan Weiss and Summit Consulting Group, Inc.