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Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/03/18

Monday Morning Memo

Alan Weiss’s Monday Morning Memo® – 9/03/18

We seem to have lost all sense of reason. “Reason,” to me, is about common sense, sanity, and logic. I think it also involves emotions. But “reasonable people” are able to synergize these elements into effective responses.

For example, I’m an animal lover, contribute to animal welfare, and abhor animal cruelty. But I think PETA (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) engages in violence that is unreasonable. I think that the image of those three firefighters raising a flag over the ruins of the World Trade Center is indelible and a symbol of our enduring strength. But I find the position of some who want to replace two of the participants in the photos with different ethnicities to show diversity as an unreasonable pursuit which neither supports a historic moment nor promotes diversity.

Political correctness today is too often an unreasonable set of expectations because reason is abandoned. Telling college students that the phrase “you guys” is a “micro-aggression” is absurd, when TV reporters do it every day. It’s appropriate for me to include male and female references and pronouns in my writing, but it’s unreasonable for someone to tell me to refer to them, for example, as “ye” or “um.”

Maybe I’m behind the times, or maybe I’m just fed up with people who demand that their cause, their grievance, their approach to life must be recognized every minute by everyone else and that their cause allows the abandonment of reason. “Polarization” implies two sides, but I observe that we often have scores of “sides”—which leads to fracture.

Are we in an Age of Enlightenment or simply a repeat of The Dark Ages? The latter lasted 400 years.


Let's face it: Every campus has its share of students who can't quite comprehend that extreme political correctness is often born of the same intolerance and anti-intellectualism as standard-issue bigotry.

—Megham Daum

Super Best Practices

This is an entirely new offering comprising what I’ve learned over the past two years in my global work and communities. I’m delivering it in Adelaide in November. I’ll be covering leads, compelling messages, the new kinds of sales evangelism, innovative marketing, virtually labor-free relationships, and much more. I anticipate participants will call the office to change practices and rewrite proposals during the program.



You can’t “think outside the box” if you’re still in the box. And any box is too small for any true entrepreneur. Yet you probably don’t realize the dimensions of your current, unconscious confinement. Join me for a BIG day in Miami in January to learn how to instantly think in larger terms, be seen in a larger light, and live large.



Thought Leadership

I’m now in my eighth year of presenting top global thinkers in an intimate setting (including dinner and a small group of attendees), at a world-class property. This year we're at The Breakers in Palm Beach. Join me and Charlene Li, a global expert on service, social media influence, and performance, herself a former CEO, who has been consistently quoted in major print and broadcast media as well as written a seminal book in the field. Four places remain.


Million Dollar Consulting® College—The first in two years.

I’ve slimmed it down to three days, take only a dozen people, and deal with all aspects of attraction, conversion, implementation, and expansion. Extensive role plays and exercises. Who knows if I’ll do another in two year—or ever? We’re half full, join us in December in a world-class property. Lodging and most meals are included in the fee.


The Solo Solo

Expressly for those who have no partner at home or a partner who is uninterested in their work. I’ve helped thousands of people with this lack of intimate support, and now I’m doing it “cabaret style,” with food and drink in my suite in New York. Join us in a relaxing atmosphere to find out how best to create a support system. Let’s talk.


Written by

Alan Weiss is a consultant, speaker, and author of over 60 books. His consulting firm, Summit Consulting Group, Inc., has attracted clients from over 500 leading organizations around the world.

Comments: 1

  • René Vidal

    September 3, 2018

    All the cultural diversity retreats in the world won’t replace the fact that most college campus lunchrooms have congregations of “like kind.” Whether it be race, color, gender and “they’s”.

    Btw, it took several repeat episodes of “Billions” to catch on. Apparently, I’m behind the times.

    Like an athlete who can’t tell an important point from the frivolous, people try too hard to be different, even if for “making a difference.” If purple hair is your thing, fine, but there’s probably a better “shade.”

    Intentions and bullying don’t pay the rent.

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